Example sentences of "this [noun] and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The author charts this progress and compares it with the British decision to choose the advanced gas cooled reactor ( AGR ) in 1965 .
2 You can bring them in this afternoon and fill them in here .
3 ‘ Christopher got this money and spent it on a holiday skiing .
4 Although this is also true , we might not be surprised if the judge interrupted this witness and accused her of being facetious , or told her not to waste time .
5 The statistical error on N is , so that the achievable precision in measuring can be estimated by replacing dN by in this equation and rewriting it as an expression for : .
6 Whereas previously each local authority had access to its own business rate revenue , now the central government collected all this revenue and redistributed it to local authorities in proportion to the local population .
7 It would be very useful if we could trap all this data and stuff it into a file , then we could study it at our leisure .
8 ‘ Next moment , he pulls out this hammer and puts it through the glass . ’
9 So with this going on we found our company would get on better if I had collateral so I wrote to this boy and asked him for a million and put it in a trust fund that I would get after his death , and we that way so okay .
10 Many non-Western cultures use a type of music , not used in the West , which has symbolic meaning to the members of the culture ; an attempt should be made to understand this symbolism and turn it to positive selling advantage .
11 If we do n't get approval to increase the salary by the thirty first of January so I can have the two people I want can I appoint this lady and bring her on board cos I know she 'll do a reasonable job in a certain area ?
12 P35 — At the end of the financial year the employer has to complete this return and send it with the completed P11 's to the Collector of Taxes .
13 The attempt to grasp this difference and to put it into words is a recurrent theme of Formen , especially because the secondary theme is to understand the contradiction which arises when the two opposed conceptions of man occur in the same society in periods of transition .
14 Shop waste is mostly paper ( with some plastic ) and the possibility arises of collecting this waste and converting it to fuel pellets which have a calorific value of about two thirds that of coal .
15 Then when I found this job and told you about it , you said she really could n't manage it .
16 I removed this fish and put it in a quarantine tank and I treated both the Damsel and the fish in the main tank with Cuprazin .
17 The GP was consulted , recommended that she stop taking this medication and started her on ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily .
18 The Tunisian government confirmed on Sept. 11 that , while it stood by the unanimous March 1990 Arab League decision to transfer the headquarters to Cairo [ see p. 37334 ] , the move to speed up the transfer " could hamper this body and prevent it from shouldering its responsibility " .
19 Join now at any of the places listed in this leaflet ( and have your entrance money refunded ) or fill in this coupon and send it to : The National Trust , Membership Department , PO Box 39 , Bromley , Kent BR1 1NH .
20 The British approach to social policy as developed in the nineteenth century both understood this distinction and exploited it by making the workhouse the only alternative to family care and then deliberately creating conditions in workhouses which were both undesirable in terms of physical conditions and also reinforced a sense of shame , so that any relative who could be considered available would feel obliged to offer support .
21 I shall phone Mother this evening and tell her about Aunt Bertha … that I 'll be home on — on Thursday week . ’
22 Perhaps I should mention now I mean I I I 'm not fill in questionnaire 's but it would it would be helpful if you actually did erm fill in that before you actually leave this evening and leave it on the on the table on the way out if that 's possible I think that , that information which you put on them would be useful .
23 Revusky ( 1971 ) call his theory a concurrent interference theory to emphasize just this point and to distinguish it from another commonly held interpretation of proactive interference .
24 He was therefore use to give up the leadership of the BDA at this juncture and to leave it to someone of the new generation to embrace politics in order to achieve a better deal for the deaf .
25 So if , if you are a poor peasant you are thinking hold on the Party expects me to stand up to this landlord and accuse him of this this and this , actually point a finger at him when there is a chance that , you know , the Kuomintang is , is twenty miles away and they , I know they 've come into other villages as they come back , m of land to peasants.s in the form of land
26 we 'll bring them out this Sunday and take him in next Saturday
27 As far as I can see , the only way to do this is to adopt a behaviouristic approach to this knowledge and characterize it as an ability to discriminate visual objects .
28 He saw the wisdom of this ploy and invited me to his next fight , when he lost his title .
29 Pahdra Singh mounted the pavement in his Bentley this morning and pinned me to the window of the Wimpy Bar .
30 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to Mr. Martyn Rands , chairman of Basildon commuters ' club — and to his hard-working committee — who met my hon. Friend this morning and presented him with a petition , signed by 5,000 people in my constituency , complaining about the disgraceful service that they receive on the Fenchurch Street line ?
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