Example sentences of "this [noun] [vb -s] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This equation has the same structure as that postulated for player A's strategy : the optimal is linear in z .
2 Many scholars believe that this miracle has the same root as the calming of the storm .
3 Besides dishonesty the mens rea in s.15 is : intentionally or recklessly making the deception ( see above ) ; intention permanently to deprive ( by s.15(3) this phrase bears the same definition as in s.6 : see Chapter 13 ; an example is deceiving the victim into giving a loan ) ; and intent to obtain property .
4 This chamber has the same decor , but is pure white .
5 This licence plays the same part in relation to seamen 's canteens as a licence granted under Part It of the Act in relation to licensed premises .
6 This analysis raises the same question addressed in the previous section : if the speaker wanted the hearer to recover these effects , why did n't he or she simply say that they sprinted up the hill ?
7 From ( 10.41 ) it can be seen that , in general , this solution has the same singularity structure as the Szekeres solution .
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