Example sentences of "by the [adj] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , as has been noted , by the early 1970s the structure of British industry was similar to that of the EEC countries as measured by the proportionate distribution of employment .
2 Founded in the 1950s to encourage ecumenicalism , by the early 1970s the OCU had become a campaigning moral protest group , opposing abortion , liberal divorce laws , and seeking the ‘ advancement of Christian values ’ in education and broadcasting .
3 By the early 1970s the struggle was over , and the decline in the Chiefs of Staff 's activity and influence in national affairs was soon being reflected in the steady drop in the frequency of their meetings .
4 By the early 1970s the Senate was no longer controlled by an oligarchy .
5 By the early 1970's the hobby had taken off .
6 By the early thirties a stage often called ‘ career launch ’ arrives .
7 By the early 1790s the argument was conducted in an atmosphere in which projects for reform were presented by their enemies as tantamount to a threat to stability and the preservation of civilised life in Britain .
8 By the early 1780s the spirit of the Enlightenment , emphasizing individual freedom and status , was filtering through to Austria from pre-Revolutionary France .
9 By the early 1950s the binder had been rendered out of date by the combine harvester , which cut the crop and separated out the grain in one operation .
10 By the early 1950s the riot was on .
11 By the early 1950s the claim that agriculture saved valuable foreign exchange was already paper-thin .
12 By the early 1950s the saw milling business had moved elsewhere and the site had become a scrapyard , a sad and unsightly end to a long and varied career .
13 By the early seventies the firm was employing over 1,000 operatives covering every aspect of building works .
14 It is perhaps noteworthy that two chroniclers refer to the plague of 1361 as the pestis puerorum , the plague of the children , and if it is true that children in particular had perished in that outbreak , it could be that by the early 1370s the supply of labour was being reduced by a shortage of new recruits , particularly as the survivors of 1361 would also have been attacked by another outbreak in 1369 .
15 By the early 1980s the euphoria of early Gay Liberation politics had worn off .
16 By the early 1980s the Commission had been coming under increasingly severe criticism from conservationists and others .
17 By the early 1980s the line had been extended to a purpose-built platform alongside the museum building and line had become fully signalled , controlled by the former Liverpool Riverside Signalbox ( Now Steamport No. 1 ) .
18 By the early 1980s the ETUC was expressing increasing dissatisfaction at this lack of progress , and the relationship between the employers and trade unions reached its lowest ebb when employers ' opposition ensured the freezing by the Council of the " Vredeling Directive " on worker consultation in 1986 .
19 By the early 1980s the situation had changed .
20 By the early 1890s the NVA had begun to pass on evidence of cases to the Home Office , complaining of the difficulties of prosecuting under existing legislation .
21 By the early 1890s the view was widespread that Japan 's own security could not afford a weak , Chinese-dominated Korea , which could offer no barrier to Russian advance .
22 By the late 1970s the state sector had become not only a harbour of inefficiency , as in many ‘ developed ’ countries , but also a greenhouse of the hybrid values emerging in Africa many of which were inimical to efficient methods of low-cost production .
23 For twenty years from 1961 Ahidjo had relative success in maintaining stability in Cameroun , and by the late 1970s the country was experiencing high rates of growth .
24 By the late 1970s the quality improvement process began to gain credence in the USA and is now being applied by some businesses in Europe .
25 By the late 1970s the impetus towards central control was well established .
26 By the late 1970s the Countryside Commission had designated 33 AONBs in England and Wales , occupying more than 9 per cent of the total land surface .
27 But by the late 1800s the trust emerged again , not just in the field of real property .
28 By the late 1960s a number of lines of evidence were being brought together into a new , radical model of global tectonics .
29 By the late 1960s the emphasis of government policy was on the creation of new irrigation complexes , covering an additional million acres at a time when Gezira was experiencing major problems of productivity .
30 By the late 1950s the breed was again in decline and part of the blame could be put on the 1949 Agricultural Act , which set guidelines for bull licensing and required bulls ' dams to have high recorded milk yields .
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