Example sentences of "at the same time [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Right , ’ he eventually whispered , ‘ we 'll advance slowly down through the forest , stopping every few yards to listen for the enemy , while at the same time using the trees for cover .
2 Combining relative novelty with practicality , it seemed evidently constructive as a way of repaying society for a wrong done , while at the same time bringing the offender within reach of the voluntary organizations which are a peculiarly English way of providing services of value to a wider community .
3 Totally absorbed in holding the course while at the same time tightening the mainsail as the breeze grew gusty and erratic , Polly was surprised when Nathan emerged from the companionway .
4 He promised to work towards achieving Mongolian membership of the major international monetary and trade organizations , whilst at the same time stressing the importance of maintaining good relations with the Soviet Union and China .
5 As the balloon reached the eight hundred foot marker , he began chatting lightheartedly while at the same time watching the flag man on the ground .
6 ‘ Playing at the end of the field , being in contention , keeping myself relaxed but at the same time getting the adrenalin running , ’ explained Faldo .
7 In the sixteenth century the Swiss physician Paracelsus tried to introduce more logical and effective methods of treatment.and laid the foundations of a pharmaceutical approach to drug selection , while at the same time reviving the idea of treatment by similars .
8 Secondly , I am impressed by the way in which my right hon. Friends have negotiated so positively on some aspects of the treaties , while at the same time drawing the line so firmly with our European partners on those parts of the treaties that we can not accept .
9 So far as individual counselling on sexual matters is concerned , schools are advised that whilst pastoral care of pupils is an important aspect of the teacher 's role , parents are expected to play their part , so that if a pupil were to approach a teacher for advice the teacher should , wherever possible , encourage the pupil to seek it from his/her parent whilst at the same time warning the pupil of the risks attached to the pupil 's behaviour .
10 First , that a player should be free to earn whatever his employer wished to pay him ; secondly , that having fulfilled a contract , a player had the right to leave his employer and go elswhere , at the same time accepting the club 's right to a transfer fee .
11 Nevertheless , such was my faith while at the Centre that along with my vitamins and supplements , I religiously took my drops of Dr. Bach every day , at the same time muttering the necessary affirmations .
12 But , people , both like the Royal Family , do be er , veterans of debauchery , and at the same time setting the highest standards .
13 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
14 They are most useful in education , because students are able to get a fast turn-round while at the same time learning the principles of operation of a particular software package , and in draft map production , where a cartographer is experimenting with different map designs .
15 His opponent was clumsily getting to his feet as Fleury snatched a violin from a rack of worm-eaten instruments ( the survivors of an attempt by the Collector to start a symphony orchestra in the cantonment ) , snapped it over his knee and leapt on to the sepoy 's back , at the same time whipping the violin strings tightly round the sepoy 's neck and dragging on them like reins .
16 A 1987 report of the Agricultural Economic Development Committee concludes that there will have to be relatively rapid reductions in the number of people employed in agriculture , and that therefore farmers will need to develop new rural enterprises which will provide new employment , while at the same time meeting the demands of the public for greater access , recreation and conservation .
17 Each of us should ask for the wisdom necessary to appreciate the opportunities which developments in modern communications technology offer for serving God and his people , while at the same time recognizing the challenges such progress inevitably poses .
18 They 're going to help keep the helmet in place , at the same time exposing the aurii to the full .
19 The new array of problems that we are now confronting highlights the complexity of the task in hand , while at the same time exposing the inherent weaknesses and the general philosophical insufficiency of an object-oriented ontological approach to the " problem of reality " , the categorial basis of which has been the subject of the past three chapters .
20 Pruning cuts out damaged and diseased branches , thus averting the spread of decay , while at the same time rechannelling the vital sap back into the productive parts of the plant .
21 Thus the task required the children to infer the intention , on the basis of knowledge of the result and of the action-result relation , while at the same time maintaining the distinction between the intention and the result .
22 Reed is seen as : ( a ) enhancing the ‘ quality ’ of its portfolio through , for instance , an advance in subscription revenues from 11% to 20% ; ( b ) achieving better geographic balance , notably through raising its exposure to the Continent of Europe and lowering its dependence on the UK , while at the same time maintaining the US share at one third of the whole ; strengthening an already satisfactory financial position , with interest cover increasing from 6.7x to 16.4x .
23 Our academic staff will have to compete very hard for the research money to continue their activities , while at the same time maintaining the quality of the teaching they offer students .
24 replace unorganized extensive agriculture , which often entails the irremediable destruction of natural wealth , by an agriculture which will become progressively intensive , at the same time assuring the continuing fertility of the soils .
25 In 1978 for example the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) passed a resolution calling for government action to promote technological change while at the same time ameliorating the impact of such change on existing employment .
26 John Wheatley had argued as much in the Second Reading of the 1925 Bill , while at the same time criticizing the sum of 10s 0d as inadequate .
27 There the sediment accumulates over aeons , cleverly preventing the toxic over-mineralization of the sea , while at the same time providing the material for the rocks of future continents and mountains as the planetary surface gets recycled .
28 This is because the tetanus maintains the neuron in a more depolarized state , which in turn reduces the extent of the Mg 2+ -induced block of NMDA channels , while at the same time providing the L-glutamate which promotes their opening .
29 For the past few years , Stoddard Sekers has provided practical and financial assistance enabling students to gain an understanding of the Textile industry and at the same time providing the company with an insight into what ‘ is going on today ’ in the various colleges .
30 It is their experience in the field of solid state that they have poured into this anniversary model , at the same time dismissing the hybrid technology as a mere conjuring trick .
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