Example sentences of "at the same time [pron] try " in BNC.

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1 At the same time they try to make sure that no other males get the opportunity to mate with their own female .
2 At the same time they tried other jobs , the sort of also-ran jobs the music business is full of where you never become a celebrity but you are paid union rates and allowed to stand nearby .
3 In making an apology one accepts blame for what has happened , but at the same time one tries to convince the injured party if there happens to be one , or the world at large if not , that the error is not to be taken as representative of the real self .
4 At the same time he tried to determine the identities of the Americans on the podium .
5 At the same time he tried to make an economic case for expenditure in that area : ‘ Moreover , from the trade point of view , this area was probably worth between one and one and a half million employed men to this country .
6 At the same time I try to combat the morbid action by using antiseptic agents such as sulphur , hyposulphite of soda creosote or camphor at the seat of the disease … that 's to say , in the alimentary canal … "
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