Example sentences of "at the [adj -est] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oo , ’ they 'd say at the merest smear of mud , ‘ you had a pig in here ? ’
2 Getting a good set of prints is not cheap , although there are less expensive rates for students and most actors have a stock of postcard size prints that they can send off at the merest rumour of work .
3 Infusion of bFGF subcutaneously in various doses ( 1–100 µg/kg/hour ) did not significantly alter gastric acid or pepsin secretion , although at the highest fose of bFGF ( 100 µg/kg ) gastric secretion tended to decline ; acid output fell to 103 ( 15 ) µmol/30 minutes and pepsin output fell to 0.76 ( 0.17 ) .
4 His term of office covered periods of world turmoil , and his papers reflect complex negotiations at the highest level of statesmanship throughout that time .
5 As their names suggest , these councils covered broad policy areas affecting several departments ; they brought together senior White House staff with cabinet members at the highest level of decision-making .
6 The allocation was decided at the highest level of government , and radio broadcasting had long been low on the list of priorities .
7 A confidential US Defence Department report had concluded that China 's sale of missiles to Saudi Arabia [ see pp. 36254 ; 36312 ] had been the result of a decision taken at the highest level of government to confront the USA in the Middle East .
8 At the highest level of society there were the names given to the great tenants-in-chief who held their estates directly of the Conqueror , and it must be remembered that if these magnates were already powerful in their own country they may even have brought locative bynames with them , as was the case of William de Moyon already mentioned .
9 It is characteristic of incongruity that there is no superordinate of either xenonym which can restore normality ( except , perhaps , at the highest level of generality , such as thing , or entity , for nouns , or do something for verbs ) .
10 The global system is made up of economic transnational practices and at the highest level of abstraction these are the building blocks of the system .
11 What is more , when inflation is taken into account , the present middle-income earners have relatively less disposable income under the present higher tax rate of 60% than they did under the old regime of tax charged at the highest rate of 83% such is the falling-behind effect of tax allowances granted in recent years .
12 Your premiums get tax relief at the highest rate of tax you pay ( so a gross premium of £1,000 will cost you only £600 net if you are a 40% taxpayer ) , and your lump sum at retirement is tax free .
13 Individuals can get tax relief on contributions at the highest rate of tax they pay .
14 Sadly , a marriage of two people can be violated at the deepest level of trust and union .
15 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
16 This is part of a wider public policy in relation to health care , where Primary Health Care is being seen as the central component of the Health Care System and an accepted general principle that Health problems be dealt with at the lowest level of complexity , and acknowledges that a well-informed , well-motivated participating community is necessary for the achievement of health targets .
17 In a nuclear world the sensible aim is a less fragile , more stable nuclear balance at the lowest level of armaments on all sides .
18 The company says this technological approach enables changes made anywhere in the process including development of documentation , design models and source code and at the lowest level of granularity , to be automatically reflected and maintained throughout the entire development process and all software deliverables .
19 Women had been at the lowest end of Paul 's spectrum of the human race .
20 The unions or union branches organising workers less crucial to capital are weaker , till at the lowest stage of trade union structure the union becomes just a formality .
21 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
22 If savings have been set aside for a funeral , and would now pay for one at current prices , that money , invested at the best rate of interest , may be enough to pay for the funeral when it occurs .
23 At the faintest whiff of bergamot she shuddered .
24 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
25 At the slightest sign of originality in approach or technique a director might well be regarded as a menace and any departure from the hoary formula adhered to by the executives could be considered highly presumptuous .
26 At the slightest sign of disturbance , the termites drum out a warning on the earth , which causes the whole foraging party to disappear up the tunnels back to the nest .
27 I 'm no expert , but what worries me is that , when you 're dealing with madmen , they increase their demands at the slightest sign of weakness . ’
28 Greatly outnumbered , the ducks would abandon their foraging mission and beat a hasty retreat to their island stronghold at the slightest sign of trouble .
29 But at the slightest hint of danger they join up instantly and dash away like an immaculately trained line of dancers making their exit .
30 At the farthest end of Russia 's Inner Asian frontier , the Chinese , under the Ching ( Manchu ) dynasty , confronted the Russians on the Amur and put an end to their episodic marauding and colonizing activities around the fort of Albazin .
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