Example sentences of "at the [noun pl] ['s] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
2 The model presented here of working with parents enables the clinician to progress at the parents ' rate of change and understanding .
3 Thank you and all my friends at the Women 's Institute for the lovely flowers , cards and letters sent to me during my illness .
4 In 1972 Rata Quick formed an ‘ Elite Team ’ of 12 performers to represent Medau at the Women 's League of Health and Beauty Anniversary Festival at the Royal Albert Hall .
5 Further education in domestic science was given at the Women 's Department of King 's College , which opened in 1909 .
6 The leader of that team , Frenchman Patrice Palanque , said it would depart today after a day off at the Iraqis ' request on Friday , the Muslim sabbath .
7 We stopped at the farmers ' market for cheese and grapes .
8 THEATRE / Contrary to nature : Randall Stevenson on John Pope 's production of Macbeth at the Citizens ' Theatre in Glasgow
9 The note to the accounts on investment properties says the properties have been valued at 31 August 1991 at the directors ' estimate of their current market value ( £3.901m ) , taking existing use into account .
10 The Northern Ireland squad will fly from Frankfurt to Vilnius later today and will take in a training session at the Lithuanians ' stadium in the evening .
11 The document is actually being printed at the taxpayers ' expense on the two photocopiers next to my desk in the House of Commons .
12 What will happen to nurses who have trained at the taxpayers ' expense in the national health service but who , increasingly , find themselves unable to get a job after three years ' training ?
13 If the conviction is upheld , the hotel queen 's new palace could be a women 's prison in Connecticut , about 20 miles from the $11 million mansion she refurbished at the taxpayers ' expense by charging repairs to her business .
14 The loyal workers were gobsmacked to find two months later their ex-boss had bought all his ex-machinery at the receivers ' auction for next to nothing and started up in business again under another name in the same premises .
15 In 1914 he had met Hans Arp , the French painter who was to become prominent in the new Dada movement , at the artists ' canteen in the Avenue du Maine .
16 The medical examining committee met at the Crown & Anchor tavern up to 31 July 1809 and thereafter at the Freemasons ' tavern until at least 1821 .
17 During my first year at the Boys ' School in 1922 , Bonfire Night was held on a Saturday ; November 5th falling on a Sunday that year .
18 companies which have filed a prospectus for the issue of equity share capital at the companies ' registry at any time during the 10 years prior to the relevant date .
19 Remember how important it is to register the new mortgage at the Companies ' Registry within 21 days of completion .
20 Last night Carol 's distraught parents , from Southport , Merseyside , were still at the newly-weds ' home in Los Angeles .
21 During the five-day hearing , the jury heard Mrs Swami suffered frequent mistreatment at the princesses ' house in Bathurst Street , Bayswater , London , between 1980 and 1983 .
22 The plaintiff was a guest at the defendants ' hotel in London .
23 This is an ideal chance to put one over the Americans after Saturday 's 7–0 thrashing at the Breeders ' Cup in the Florida heat .
24 Otakar Motej , Chairman of the Supreme Court , who represented Havel during the Federal Assembly 's discussion of his proposals , expressed disappointment at the deputies ' lack of trust in the President .
25 In May 1970 , to further the Appeal , the School was privileged to hold a Reception at the Goldsmiths ' Hall in London for Old Stopfordians and their ladies .
26 On October 6th we met in Malvern at the Girls ' College for an education afternoon .
27 A study at the Children 's Hospital of Pittsburgh from 1912 to 1967 found that a palpable pyloric mass was detected in 80% of cases .
28 ‘ I 'm not worried , ’ the five-year-old girl from Eccles , Greater Manchester , told reporters at a news conference at the Children 's Hospital of Pittsburgh .
29 She was admitted late last night for observation at the Children 's Hospital of Pittsburgh .
30 Doctors at the Children 's Hospital in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , said the small intestine she was given was no longer working properly .
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