Example sentences of "at the [adj] end [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Start at the far end and work back . ’
2 I decided the only thing to do was throw her in at the deep end and go right down the village high street , where the roads were busiest and noisiest with holiday-makers , and simply stand there trying to calm her down .
3 Repeat at the other end but leave the cords free .
4 But now you have to begin at the other end and tell the story in a straight run through the eyes , or over the shoulder , of the " detective " figure .
5 All she had to do was remove the safety cap from the autoinjector , hold it to her thigh , press a red button at the other end and wait 10 seconds .
6 ( ii ) Insert a 25-gauge needle attached to a syringe into the lumen of the uterine horn at the ovarian end and flush 0.2–0.5 ml of M2 + BSA through into a plastic Petri dish or glass cavity block .
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