Example sentences of "at the same time he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He appears progressive in advocating an income tax as the basis or an arrangement by which people might give according to their means and take according to their need , and sees this in terms of the possibilities of socialism , but at the same time he lends himself to a strong laissez-faire interpretation highly restrictive of the involvement of the state ( 1978 : 315–18 ) .
2 at the same time he yearns for something beyond sight .
3 At the same time he denounces both the ‘ painted ’ Roman church for its wanton attachment to ritual and relics , and the ‘ undressed ’ Calvinism of Geneva which , he claimed , excluded all decency and decorum from religious observance .
4 At the same time he knew that she would be aware that he had never been with a woman before .
5 They were all questions which both puzzled and disturbed him , yet at the same time he knew she was the key to helping him expose the diversion at the plant .
6 At the same time he looked at his watch .
7 At the same time he keeps the real mountain intact , and Hinderstoisser , Kurz and company as historical markers .
8 At the same time he rebuilt the Mill at Holborough .
9 I hit him again , but he had his arm up , at the same time he kicked out and knocked me off my feet .
10 At the same time he thought it desirable to submit to them a brief record of his work ( Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , 1899 , pp. 3–11 ) , in view of what were in his opinion the less than adequate references to it in the 1899 James Forrest lecture on ‘ Magnetism ’ by J. A. Ewing [ q.v. ] , in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( vol. cxxxviii , pp. 289–311 ) .
11 At the same time he pressed the labour theory of value to far more radical ends than David Ricardo [ q.v. ] , seeing skilled labour as both the measure and producer of all value .
12 She stumbled off the edge of the concrete path , and immediately his flashlight was directed towards the ground and at the same time he pressed her arm more tightly into his side , and like this they walked on until they reached the wood , and there their steps slowed and quietly he asked , ‘ Where 's he gone tonight ? ’
13 At the same time he attacked the monarchy and the House of Lords .
14 At the same time he had to sound confident about the ultimate triumph of socialism , against all the evidence that it has failed .
15 Believe he could not , and at the same time he had no firm conviction that all was untrue .
16 Earlier Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes said that in a month Mr Lamont could announce proposals which would make 10 million people ineligible for legal aid yet at the same time he had been ‘ allowed £4,000 , his own private legal aid scheme , to pay his own private bill for an entirely private matter ’ .
17 At the same time he had no doubt that paganism itself was weak and cruel .
18 But at the same time he had another libertarian trait — he was shambolically organized .
19 The knight had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a head-on collision with his opponent , but at the same time he had to couch his lance to his side as tightly as possible with his hand and under his arm so that the lance blow was struck with all the weight and momentum of his horse behind it , for if in swerving aside he moved his hand or used his arm to thrust at his opponent then a blow delivered in this manner would have no effect whatever .
20 He had enjoyed immense public prestige as Supreme Commander , Allied Forces , 1944–6 , and Supreme Commander , NATO , 1950–52 , and at the same time he had managed to remain above the political squabbles of the period .
21 At the same time he had sensed a tremor of — he did not know what .
22 At the same time he had the clearest image in his mind of the three of them : Fred , Daisy , and himself , and it was a spectacle of nothing but pleasure .
23 At the same time he had difficulties with Sir Ralph Whitton . ’
24 But at the same time he refuses Derrida 's equation of historicity with difference as such , instead reformulating his former thesis so that now history itself takes part in the epistemic shifts that he traces .
25 If so , how does he justify the fear that there may be a number of fingers on the disintegrating Soviet strategic deterrent , when at the same time he seeks to justify the proliferation of nuclear strategic deterrents in the hands of France , the United Kingdom and the United States ?
26 At the same time he announced that economic austerity measures , including a freeze on public sector promotions , were to be " reconsidered " ; this had also been one of the demands of the workers ' organizations .
27 In the cause of historical justice , it should be noticed how he seemed always to feel obliged to express caution about too readily assigning to the cosmical redshift all the attributes of an ordinary velocity shift ; at the same time he seemed to wish not positively to offer any alternative treatment .
28 At the same time he expressed frustration at the Japanese linkage between politics and economics .
29 At the same time he felt Nails 's hand descend on the back of his neck , pushing him down .
30 She remembered him laughing kindly as he said this , because he liked Joe , he liked Joe very much ; but at the same time he felt guilty about him , because in a way he had made use of him as a sort of cover .
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