Example sentences of "at the [adj] time there be " in BNC.

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1 At the present time there is only the public house left .
2 At the present time there is considerable concern about concentrations of nitrogen compounds in water containing goldfish .
3 In other words , without it one can not explain why at the present time there is a maldistribution of world wealth and income such that the countries of the Northern hemisphere contain only 25 per cent of the world 's population but obtain 80 per cent of the world 's income , while the countries of the South contain 75 per cent of the world 's population but obtain only 20 per cent of the world 's income .
4 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
5 At the present time there are nineteen clearinghouses and most of these are state clearinghouses in the USA .
6 At the present time there are four unusual breeds that fall into this category — accepted by some , rejected by others — and they are the Scottish Fold cat , the Canadian Sphynx cat , the Californian Ragdoll cat and the American Peke-faced cat .
7 At the present time there are numerous artificial barriers to takeovers sanctioned by the domestic legislation of member states .
8 The school was built by public subscription as a National school in 1873 , and was originally intended to accommodate 100 children ; at the present time there are 27 pupils .
9 Hahnemann and his followers left us a legacy of many hundreds of remedies and the number has continued to grow until at the present time there are between two and three thousand remedies in the homoeopathic materia medica , each with its remedy picture , some of which have been more extensively worked out than others .
10 At the present time there are 709 Bureaux in the United Kingdom which are registered with the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
11 At the same time there are administrative distortions , such as poor distribution of teaching staff .
12 At the same time there are also the refugees who have escaped from China , East Germany , North Korea , North Vietnam and Angola .
13 At the same time there are local choirs which strive to follow slavishly the cathedral model , even where this is either unsuccessful in terms of quality or inappropriate for their congregation .
14 At the same time there are a series of practical problems affecting all consultation with users .
15 In other words , there are no revenues included against which we must charge future expenses and there are no expenses against which we must match future revenues : there are no hidden liabilities but at the same time there are no hidden windfalls .
16 At the same time there are varying interpretations of equal opportunities or related aspects when other terms are used .
17 As I said at the beginning I think one should be wary about using the word natural , because sometimes people use it you know to promote something you know like on advertising you know it 's natural , must be good for you , but at the same time there are certain things that are natural that are very bad for you like death and if I were to say you know death is natural , nobody would think I was advocating suicide of course not .
18 You meet some of the wildest , wackiest , weirdest , most fun people — and at the same time there 's some really dark forces at work . ’
19 At the same time there 's a new sparkle to low rev performance .
20 It 's got a deeper natural body resonance than the D-32 , but at the same time there 's a much brighter , more immediate treble with a lot more bounce and sparkle overall .
21 And at the same time there 's an exasperated , frayed at the edges side to this performance .
22 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
23 At the same time there is lack of accommodation for local people .
24 If both the loft ladder and step ladder are ordered at the same time there is a £2 reduction off the total price .
25 At the same time there is a real personal value and satisfaction to be gained from the caring and nurturing work of women in the family .
26 At the same time there is now a more direct intervention in the nature of a school 's educational work through the introduction of the National Curriculum , bringing with it a greater concern for monitoring .
27 At the same time there is a conflict between wanting to be on the nest and away from the nest .
28 In this respect there is a difference of emphasis between the two writers , but at the same time there is a fundamental unity of purpose and method between them .
29 I 'm not one for imbuing phrases with a coy , knowing wink in their gait , but at the same time there is a meticulousness about these particular performances ( the Sixth is slightly better in this respect ) , which prevents the music from leaping off the page as quite it should .
30 HOW dare Norman Lamont decide the Queen should n't pay tax while at the same time there is talk of taxing people on invalidity benefit ?
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