Example sentences of "at [noun prp] [be] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the work that is done at Harwell is for the civilian sector .
2 William Temple and Fisher at Repton were among the late manifestations of this feeling .
3 ‘ The walls are in very good condition , certainly the frontline defences at Clacton are of a standard equivalent to the Thames . ’
4 The results of this sale of contemporary art at Christie 's on the same afternoon , 15 October , were broadly similar , with 108 of 138 lots finding buyers and raising £1.29 million ( $2.22 million ) .
5 The house of Neill & Co. had patented their own , and since this was one of the offices that most whole-heartedly recruited women , a number of the women compositors at Neill 's in the 1870s were set to work the machines .
6 Normalair-Garrett ( NGL ) at Crewkerne was among the first companies to introduce flexible manufacturing in the UK .
7 The prime minister put the Government 's position very clearly in a statement to the House of Commons on 3 June , the day after the Danish vote : ‘ The Government continue to believe that the deal we secured at Maastricht is in the best interests of this country .
8 Cricket at Lisburn is on an upward curve , ’ said Chairman Cecil Walker .
9 His work at Nuremberg was of an international significance which surpassed anything Lawrence had done as a puisne judge or was to do as a law lord .
10 Bernard Remington-Hart had originally started at Benedict 's in the same year as Simon Ellis .
11 1 , Is Denis Faul under the impression that all those interviewed at Castlereagh are of the Roman faith ?
12 Quarries down the road at Ffestiniog are within the National Park , and expansion plans must be carefully thought out .
13 The Official Unionists within the UUUC argued stubbornly that the most effective place from which to influence events at Westminster was inside the Conservative Party .
14 Then again , English at Oxford was on the defensive against the other faculties .
15 The salerooms have not seen such a fine private collection sold since the great suite of sales at Sotheby 's in the 1970s ( the William Goodwin Renwick collection from America , arms released from the Saxon Royal Armouries at Dresden , and the smaller but comparable Gewehrkammer of the Counts von Giech ) .
16 Paul McMahon is in fine form and Another Machine , who won at Dromore is in the Two Winner race .
17 Was she imagining it , or were his eyes gazing back at Nicole 's like a lingering caress ?
18 But until recently British Steel decided that their iron and steel works at Scunthorpe was in a suitable position and they enlarged it .
19 The mill at Ballygrant is of the nineteenth century but one would expect that there was an older one at Baile Grana Grain Township , and one at Cornabus Corn Farm , comes as no surprise .
20 Arrival back at Dover is in the late afternoon on Tuesday .
21 Arrival back at Dover is in the late afternoon on Tuesdays .
22 In 1763 the Reverend Thomas Whickens wrote to Bishop James in Hereford informing him that his rectory at Dormington was in a ruinous condition and asking his permission to build a new one .
23 Those at Canterbury are among the earliest datable flying buttresses .
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