Example sentences of "at [adv] the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The unpredictable English weather meant that delivering the leaves at the right time and at exactly the right stage of development for silkworms to thrive on them was impossible .
2 The announcement about dinner being served , Henry observed with approval , had come at just the right length of time after the sherry had been drunk .
3 ‘ I 'll change all that when we 're married , ’ Naylor assured her , and her heartbeats raced an erratic rhythm at just the very thought of being married to him .
4 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
5 Fifth , that the internal social conditions of a metropolis , combining at once the metropolitan concentration of wealth and the internal pluralism of its metropolitan-immigrant functions , create especially favourable supportive conditions for dissident groups .
6 There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be , or to be the son of , or to be one with the something which is at once the awful haunter of Nature and the giver of the moral law .
7 His choice is wealth : he is at once the traditional hero of British fiction in search of a happy marriage and prosperity — Tom Jones or David Copperfield — and , in his brisk competitive zeal , the first fictional yuppie .
8 Enclosure is manifest in many forms ; it is at once the womb-like interior of airplane , the surface of the body , the frame of a window , the border between countries , and the boundary between discourses .
9 At once the tank-like cage of the viewer was filled with colour .
10 He spotted at once the no-nonsense tones of the Koran , and , as always when The Book was being quoted , kept his eyes on his chest and tried to look like a man willing to leap off his chair on to all fours , ready for total prostration at any moment .
11 She turns up at plays and concerts with her baggy man 's trousers belted at precisely the wrong curve of her hip , and her hair loose and slightly oily .
12 But Courtney said he hoped that at least the factual part of the document would be made public .
13 At least the disgusting taste of mint concentrated his mind .
14 At least the upper parts of this sequence could , by analogy with the Alum Shale of the Baltic , be considered worth investigation for possible oil source rocks .
15 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
16 One may anticipate the conclusions of the following discussion of the fifteenth-century Muftilik by saying that while both traditions are less than satisfactory and while , in the present state of knowledge , there are questions of considerable importance which remain unresolved , on the particular point of the origins of the institution there is some evidence to support at least the broad outlines of the Mustakimzade tradition , however vexed the details may be ; whereas , on the other hand , not only is there a lack of positive evidence to support the Katib Celebi tradition , there is also a certain weight of evidence , largely of a negative nature , against it .
17 But we need to have a degree of common ownership of at least the broad parameters of what the world may look like , and we then seek the whole time to simplify down and down and down .
18 If modernization means the differentiation of fields , postmodernization means at least the partial collapse of some fields into other fields .
19 Full realisation of the meaning of the partial divergence in styles of appeal between parliament and country requires recognition of at least the limited equation of ‘ enthusiasm ’ with popular opinion .
20 Both the diffusionist and the evolutionary methods contrast with the structural-functional , which is above all contextual , and seeks at least the primary significance of the present in the present rather than in the past .
21 This is bad enough on food dishes , but with those there is at least the powerful odour of the fish or meat to smother the distasteful detergent smell .
22 Such banquets are portrayed for us on the Bayeux Tapestry , or at least the early stages of them .
23 It is also expected to lead to student transfers between the two centres , distance learning through new technologies and Kirkcaldy running franchised courses for at least the early years of Dundee 's courses .
24 Still , at least the interlocking issues of taxation , welfare and the family are now on the political map .
25 Then , C angustifolius opens , the petals sometimes jerking open like springs , and so much so that at least the outer set of three curl backwards like the petals of a martagon lily , leaving three widespread and brilliantly golden petals to bask in the light ( easy , then , to see why it is called the ‘ Cloth of Gold ’ crocus ) .
26 ‘ In this section — ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which satisfies the following conditions , namely — ( a ) it is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; ( b ) at least the relevant percentage of its shares ( taken as a whole ) , and of each class of its shares , is legally and beneficially owned by one or more qualified persons or companies ; and ( c ) at least the relevant percentage of its directors are qualified persons ; ‘ qualified person ’ means — ( a ) a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , or ( b ) a local authority in the United Kingdom ; and ‘ the relevant percentage ’ means 75 per cent .
27 ‘ In this section — ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which satisfies the following conditions , namely — ( a ) it is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; ( b ) at least the relevant percentage of its shares ( taken as a whole ) , and of each class of its shares , is legally and beneficially owned by one or more qualified persons or companies ; and ( c ) at least the relevant percentage of its directors are qualified persons ; ‘ qualified person ’ means — ( a ) a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , or ( b ) a local authority in the United Kingdom ; and ‘ the relevant percentage ’ means 75 per cent .
28 The recommendations are contained in section five and five one C effectively impress the assistance of Policy Committee in addressing the need to sustain at least the current level of spending of three point nine million on these small but vital schemes throughout the period of the medium term plan .
29 He found it in Protestantism , or at least the Calvinist version of it .
30 But that , that 's just one little part of it but and because there 's been a lot of quite worldwide travel of young people , not perhaps on a massive scale , but at least the young people of each country are more thinking more of them
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