Example sentences of "at [adv] the [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But what finally convinced me that the emission was real was that the spectrum of the emitted particles was exactly that which would be emitted by a hot body , and that the black hole was emitting particles at exactly the correct rate to prevent violations of the second law .
2 It holds the blade at exactly the right angle to achieve optimum sharpness , and it 's this that makes the sharpener so quick and easy to use .
3 Neither should one underrate the rig 's ability to work well with a processor in order to create the kind of modern guitar sounds which , in a mix , are voiced at exactly the right point to cut through …
4 And if we look at the planets of our solar system , lo and behold , every single one of them is travelling at exactly the right velocity to keep it in its stable orbit around the Sun .
5 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
6 Defending against smashes is even trickier — you have to press up and fire to jump up at exactly the right moment to block the smash , and sometimes the other player will fool you by just tipping a weak shot over your head !
7 If we decide to be less cynical , we could suggest that God triggered a supernova at exactly the right time to draw the Magi towards the place where His son was being born .
8 The inflation was a good thing in that it produced a universe that was smooth and uniform on a large scale and was expanding at just the critical rate to avoid recollapse .
9 The farmer 's prayer is to have good weather when his crop is at just the right stage to reap ; the ability to judge the state of a crop can come only with considerable experience .
10 Anchorians peaked at just the right time to win Division A of the Peroni League , while Oxford University have one of the country 's best outdoor coaches pulling the strings .
11 It used to be thought that the correct technique was to add positive pitch at just the right moment to give a survivable — if not gentle-landing .
12 At once the kneeling statues came to life .
13 Almost at once the National Anthem summoned them both to their feet , but Mark responded sluggishly .
14 But it appeared at precisely the right moment to catch the poststructuralist tide associated with Derrida and the later Barthes , and several of the most influential titles brought together , rather uneasily , poststructuralism and Marxism .
15 At least the lost afternoon guaranteed a certain spontaneity .
16 Maui was a little better — at least the interior decorator finished , even if it was in the worst possible taste , but the Seychelles took the cake. ! . ’
17 He has a habit of playing in at least the inaugural event held on one of his lay-outs and in December 1988 fully intended to play in the Austrian Open of 1989 .
18 At least the Spanish authorities had been conducting a professional search .
19 At least they were working on the complex that day , at least the civilian contractors had been able to bribe their private work force to cross the picket lines .
20 We have at least the mental equipment to foster our long-term selfish interests rather than merely our short-term selfish interests .
21 At least the new Brigadier served in the Irish Guards and they had Pipers .
22 But at least the new examination seems to offer greater scope for teachers to develop programmes of work in which the internal and external assessments can be seen by the pupils to be interrelated in a more purposeful way .
23 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
24 This unique combination led to the rediscovery of the VistaVision process , or at least the old cameras used to achieve it , in the 1970s and '80s as a valuable tool for the SFX cameraman .
25 A key to the realization of his assets in Spain was a perilous shipment to Peru ; the success of at least the outward journey meant financial relief , but it was not until the war with Spain ended in 1808 that Gibbs 's difficulties really began to abate .
26 Their regimes may have been impoverished by the emphasis on security and restrictions on movement within the prison , but at least the physical settings avoided the squalor and overcrowding which worsened in the local prisons .
27 At least the locked door designed to keep him in also keeps his enemies out , if he can be said to have any enemies .
28 But at least the enforced postponement saved the Germans from setting off yet another attack at half-cock .
29 There at least the ideological differences have not been obfuscated by national divisions .
30 At least the British players demonstrated that they fully deserved to be on the same court — much against many people 's expectations .
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