Example sentences of "at [adv] [art] same [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 This is aimed at much the same audience as Graphics Works , but takes a difference approach by including Microsoft Publisher , along with Arts & Letters Apprentice 3.1 and Halo Desktop Imager ( for image capture conversion and improvement ) .
2 What is true is that large firms also destroy large numbers of jobs at much the same rate as they create them , whereas small firms have a lower rate of job destruction .
3 ‘ In broad terms the acrylics are mature products , ’ he says , ‘ So the general expectation must be that they are likely to grow at much the same rate as the economy of the industrial world as a whole .
4 Contrary to what he said , that has enabled the industry to maintain production at much the same levels as those of 1990 .
5 The king had himself portrayed on the last coinage of his reign , issued c. 1485 , wearing the closed crown of the emperor , at much the same time as Henry VII introduced the style into England ; but James went one better by having himself shown in a realistic three-quarters face portrait , thereby producing what the numismatist Ian Stewart has described as ‘ probably the earliest Renaissance coin portrait outside Italy ’ .
6 Thus rapidly , and with support on all sides , did Co-operation become accepted as a means of doing business , and at much the same time as did the joint stock company in essentially its modern form .
7 In simple co-operative work , the Art Department can plan to examine particular patterns and structures at much the same time as the Science Department looks at crystals and lattices ; the Geography Department can look at climatology and weather charting at the same time as the Mathematics Department studies or revises graphs .
8 The earliest excavations , however , in 1948–9 at Ivel House , supplemented by observation of local service trenches , revealed surprisingly complex occupation including buildings with opus signinum and mosaic floors , at much the same time as Stevens argued for its status as a late civitas centre .
9 A little way above his head , and maybe a few metres back , is a crossed pair of microphones with their elements set at exactly the same distance as his ears .
10 The publicity the film attracted in Cannes followed Nicholson back to America where it was due for New York opening in July which , as Karen Black told me later , was an odd time : ‘ It was a college film and so it goes on release at exactly the same time as the colleges are closing down for the summer and everyone is going home . ’
11 He seemed , indeed , to have become much more decisive altogether , for at exactly the same time as he signed the rescript , he created a new governmental body under his own chairmanship , the Council of Ministers , whose purpose was apparently to strengthen his grip on the central administration .
12 Even if you listen out carefully before you transmit , you have no guarantee that another pilot is not going to press his or her PTT at exactly the same moment as you do , with the probable result that both messages are drowned out and the Air Traffic Controller 's ears are assaulted by a high-pitched screech .
13 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
14 The timing of these changes and the details of the structures adopted varied between the countries comprising the United Kingdom , but ‘ as a service provider , local government in Scotland developed at broadly the same pace as local government in England and Wales ’ ( Page 1983:43 ; cf. foster et al.
15 Using the Jodrell Bank Radio telescope in Cheshire , they had observed the super dense pulsating radio star ( pulsar ) PSR18219-10 for 18 months and deduced from variations in its radio signature that it was being orbited by a planet every six months at approximately the same distance as that from Venus to the Sun .
16 It was no accident that Baldwin VII of Flanders moved to a new repressive interpretation of comital justice at just the same time as he claimed the superior advocacy over all ecclesiastical houses in Flanders .
17 The schools themselves could never have flourished so significantly without the presence in the town ( at roughly the same time as Gratian ) of the great father-figure of the Roman law school , Irnerius , and the group of glossators or commentators who gathered under him .
18 Of the many explanations for the collapse in the ninth century after such intensive cultivation without metals for 6–16 centuries , the most plausible is that it resulted from sustained failures of maize due to a leafhopper-borne virus , maize mosaic virus , which may have originated in northern South America at roughly the same time as maize was brought to the Caribbean by the Arawak about the time of Christ .
19 Now we have Quattro Pro for DOS version 4 to contend with , released at virtually the same time as a Windows version that looks like causing quite a stir as well .
20 But we do detect quasars relatively near in space , and hence at virtually the same age as our own Galaxy ( some 15 000 million years ) .
21 At precisely the same time as circumcision and the blood of circumcision was receiving this new casting and additional dimension , legislation about female blood — i.e. the blood of menstruation and childbirth — appeared for the first time on the scene .
22 I am not even going to attempt to tell you why I was so attired , or guess at why fate should have made Donald and his equally well-equipped companions walk across that particular piece of wilderness at precisely the same time as me .
23 Curiously , at precisely the same time as the Rosenstein archive slipped through the letter box at Collectair a really superb flying model of an Etrich Taube arrived fresh from being fully restored and re-rigged ( F ) .
24 The two successive episodes of Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet collapse began at precisely the same time as the climate shifts that are recorded in the Greenland ice core ( within the cited uncertainty ) .
25 A further indication of renewed population pressure is that complaints about land enclosure became more conspicuous in the second decade of the sixteenth century , at precisely the same time as real wages began to fall .
26 On returning to work employees are offered a position at at least the same level as their last job .
27 We have said clearly that we shall not accept changes in the rules on rabies unless we can have at least the same safeguards as we have today .
28 Many employers ‘ contracted out ’ of the Graduated Pension Scheme and agreed to pay at least the same amount as their employees would have received from the State under the graduated scheme , from their own occupational scheme .
29 Around Moortown , on the Western side of the lough , some 200 million tonnes of lignite have been indicated but there is some evidence that the deposit around Moortown may contain at least the same amount as the Crumlin deposits .
30 He added , however , that his firm would win at least the same revenues as 1992 — $40m .
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