Example sentences of "at [art] same [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 A nineteen twenties warplane is to be rebuilt at the same factory where it was made .
2 But , I think it would be illusory to think that we can maintain our profits from land in ninety three at the same level as it had been for ninety one and two .
3 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
4 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
5 You can not deduce from the fact that it was happening at the same time that it was a cause .
6 He checked the other windows , knowing at the same time that it was pointless .
7 Asahi Shinwa , which reported a fee income of Y16.3bn in 1991 , announced at the same time that it would be terminating several international joint ventures established with E&Y International .
8 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
9 The United Kingdom announced at the same time that it was freeing Iraqi assets worth £70,000,000 ( about US$126,000,000 ) , but a UK Foreign Office spokesman denied allegations that Richer 's release had been secured by an unpublicised arrangement between Iraq and the UK , said to involve the unfreezing of part of £621,400,000 ( US$1,100 million ) held by banks in the UK .
10 The client should be advised of this , and at the same time that it is an undesirable feature of a leasehold estate : then it 's for the client to decide whether to proceed .
11 Do n't try to follow both sets of shaping at the same time because it wo n't work and you will find yourself becoming totally confused .
12 how can the thigh bone yeah be strong and light at the same time cos it 's hollow
13 These ledgers can be easily subdivided , enabling several clerks to work on them at the same time and it is also easier to withdraw old accounts and insert new ones in their place .
14 Erm , I do n't think it 'll ever take off actu , actually , because er you 've got all the traffic all there already and if you 've got say , say you have got Hibs and Hearts you got all the traffic going out there at the same time and it 's gon na be chock-a-block !
15 I turned , grabbed my dressing gown and made for the door ; with one mighty ninja kick , the side of my right foot connected with all three switches of the fan heater at the same time and it hummed into life .
16 How often do you meet and how many people there , you 're showing interest but you 're also qualifying at the same time and it 's not padding , it 's actually useful information because you 're thinking well that 's worth pursuing the R N I , yes but there 's money there .
17 I du n no it was about to shut was n't it at the same time and it it was like well it 's worth gon na get them .
18 Even at the same time as it publicly commends higher education , seeking out the graduate entrant , spending large sums on publicity to this end , and funding access to degree courses on scholarships , it also holds to a central ethic of distrust of the academic .
19 Yet the very study of mythology from a scientific attitude distanced modern man at the same time as it seemed to bring him closer .
20 The employee top 10 features those companies which are expanding fastest , and it says something for the performance of WPP that it has managed to perform well in eps and return on capital terms at the same time as it has achieved that expansion .
21 The difficulty was that Labour could have found itself supporting military action against a fascist state at the same time as it threatened a general strike against war .
22 The suspension during the first three weeks and the possible extended period does not apply to a public takeover or exchange bid , provided this has been notified to the Commission at the same time as it is publicly announced .
23 One can hardly say the same about the Post Office which busts a gut licking the boots of its business users at the same time as it cuts the quality of service to residential customers .
24 So his strategy made sense at the same time as it seemed wantonly ruinous .
25 The fact that the hulk was protected against daemonic intrusion piqued Jaq 's curiosity at the same time as it relieved his mind .
26 For , ‘ As Marx said , every child knows that a social formation which did not reproduce the conditions of production at the same time as it produced would not last a year ’ .
27 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
28 At the same time as it stimulated Political activity and consciousness among the provincial nobility , the process leading to Emancipation also speeded the emergence of a more socially diverse public opinion .
29 Elsewhere , in the works of Gyorgy Ligeti and Mauricio Kagel , it could question the very bases of musical performance , extending the range of expression and gesture at the same time as it undermined their very validity , and begin to colonise the imprecise border country between theatre , music and performance art .
30 The impact of the recession in Britain has compelled employers drastically to reduce labour costs at the same time as it has effectively shifted the balance of market strength in their favour .
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