Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] time [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To our disbelief it was really very much more abundant than we could ever have thought possible , so we 've actually been able to find molecules with eleven carbon atoms in a chain , floating around in space , and for which we really at the present time have no explanation .
2 She was finding it increasingly difficult to sit here , in his home , trying to cope with the spectrum of emotions that chased pell-mell through her from one moment to the next , and at the same time evince a polite interest in Richard 's remarks .
3 We shall see that although the uncertainty principle places limitations on the accuracy of all our predictions , it may at the same time remove the fundamental unpredictability that occurs at a space-time singularity .
4 The boy being a minor , there would have to be a Regency , but the acceptance of Alfonso would provide dynastic continuity and at the same time prevent the appearance of further candidates .
5 Cheryl decided that as Angela would be away all afternoon and Mrs. Yatton wanted her shoes for the weekend , she would go into Linby and fetch the shoes and at the same time collect the signalling flags , if Jessica had found them .
6 This is the idea of a ‘ symptomatic reading ’ of the relevant texts , a reading designed to master the superficial characteristics of Marx 's criticisms of Hegelian idealism and classical economy , and of his own views of political economy and society , and at the same time yield a deeper understanding of his whole project .
7 At higher speeds it is difficult to dissipate sufficient of the energy of motion of the Moon for it to be captured and at the same time yield an Earth-Moon system that resembles the one that actually exists .
8 These , so MacDonald and Snowden told their colleagues , must amount to £25–30 millions , the bulk of them to be found out of unemployment charges … only reductions in unemployment payments would satisfy the opposition and resolve the crisis ; yet this would at the same time betray the hopes of the party 's supporters and probably split the party itself …
9 Estimators often work against considerable time pressures and look for ways to win jobs and at the same time make a profit .
10 Students wishing to apply for a loan should request an Eligibility Questionnaire from one of these offices and at the same time make an appointment to obtain an Eligibility Certificate .
11 The contracting parties shall therefore choose conversion modalities which do not cause any inflationary tendencies in the entire area of the monetary union and which at the same time increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the GDR .
12 Those international lawyers , such as Brownlie , who are sceptical about the legality of nuclear weapons use , but who at the same time take a practical view of the law and see it as closely related to what states actually do , are in something of a bind , as they do not hesitate to acknowledge .
13 If we now ask how we could discover that all action is to be explained in non-intentional terms , and at the same time take the point that it could not be non-intentional in the way that mad or childish behaviour is , it seems that we should have to come to see all action quite differently .
14 The local authority , being anxious to place the mother with the children in a mother and baby home with a view to rehabilitation , sought an interim care order relating to both boys and informed the justices that it was their intention to keep the mother and children together for assessment and at the same time protect the children from the father .
15 There were comparable problems in establishing a form of rule that would satisfy the aspirations of republican majorities but at the same time protect the legitimate interests of local minorities .
16 They could raise between them up to ten thousand men in that great remote province ; and at the same time assail the western Douglas strength .
17 At the same time raise the feet off the floor as far as possible .
18 Milton , the provost believed , should write to the collector of customs to have him tell the threatened tide waiter that he was in no danger , and at the same time secure an order for Main to cross to West Lothian for a few days , around the time of the burgh elections , in order to get him out of the way , for the election of the deacon of the wrights would turn on this single vote .
19 Also , the electric media ( by their nature , regardless of their commercial organization ) unify and at the same time decentralize the musical repertory and community , and make possible improvisatory musical styles .
20 The works in a collection like New Hall 's while they engage with some of these issues about women 's lack and absence from history , at the same time abrogate the very claim that women have not and can not command a semantic field which expresses their own meanings and tells their own stories .
21 If we believe in God yet at the same time presuppose a picture of God which is less than he really is , our faith is bound to suffer .
22 Sloane himself reckoned that such an opportunity to travel and at the same time pursue the practice of physic was too good an opportunity to miss .
23 While anger may stimulate the courage to do something , it may at the same time cloud the perception of what to be courageous about .
24 Deaf people in some conditions of sign presentation provide evidence of LHA when temporally salient cues are available , but at the same time show the superficially confusing effect of RHA for statically perceived signs .
25 He says that he hopes that whoever buys the site will realise the historical significance of ths site and at the same time maintain the buildings .
26 By establishing the Centre in an academic institution it will be possible for it to benefit from the other resources of the University and at the same time enable the knowledge gained from the research to be linked directly to social work training .
27 ‘ On sentencing any person convicted of murder to imprisonment for life the court may at the same time declare the period which it recommends to the Secretary of State as the minimum period which in its view should elapse before the Secretary of State orders the release of that person on licence under section 27 of the Prison Act 1952 …
28 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
29 Whilst regarding as correct the shift of the centre of gravity to the production of the means of production , we must at the same time remember the danger involved in tying up too much state capital in major construction work , which can not be realised on the market for many years .
30 Marks suggested that after a careful time-and-distance run from the centre of Rotterdam , we would all drop a flare and at the same time fire a red Very light .
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