Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A number of that 25-35 age range were brought in as one of two groups who had an opportunity to look at the various stages while the possible designs were still being examined .
2 This double characterisation was made more hilarious at the first performances when the bossy one was danced by Helpmann , and later the taller MacMillan , with wonderfully extended développés , and the shyer one by Ashton with dainty attempts to be correct at all costs .
3 Plugged into an amp the EQ takes things from bright , jangling treble to a fat bass which feeds back at the lowest volumes when the relevant slider is pushed way up .
4 Miranda looked at the imposing exteriors and the bleak interiors of the nursing and residential homes .
5 Tory turned back for a last look at the rejected blooms as the ponies moved off .
6 Even on the premier franchises , the marginal operator is likely to compete only at the best times while the franchisee is left to operate the full seven day service .
7 Before we look at the separate groups and the new pope 's treatment of them , more needs to be said about poverty and preaching .
8 Blanche looked round her at the wallpapered walls and the flounced pink curtains and said , ‘ How very nice .
9 Many East Germans say that , though they themselves do not want to leave , there is almost universal resentment at the official lies and the unbending attitudes of the authorities , who , by cancelling visa-free travel to Czechoslovakia this week , made it even more difficult to escape what one person called ‘ our cage ’ .
10 The second section looks at Paris and Vienna , and largely drawing on Clark and Schorske , respectively , at the visual arts and the social structuring of urban space .
11 I stopped , glared up at the wheeling gulls and a couple of thrushes , then got some grass and wiped the yellow-white mess off the front guard .
12 Angry Labour MPs jeered and pointed accusingly at the Liberal Democrats as the Speaker read out the count .
13 She looked at the old narrow beams that stretched across the ceiling , at the white-painted walls and the brightly coloured furniture , comfortable chairs and the mellow , shining wood of tables and bookcases .
14 He looked at the eager girls and the officers in their cream uniforms .
15 She looked out of the big foyer window , which ran from the floor almost to the ceiling , at the empty pathways and the silent buildings outside .
16 We set the tone at the Tory Conferences and the other parties have followed suit .
17 Fire fighting over-ride controls should be positioned at the same locations as the appropriate sprinkler control valves ( see 3.6 ‘ Fixed Fire Fighting Equipment ’ ) .
18 He was absolutely right in that respect and I remember him delivering this homily at The Three Tuns and the people receiving it in a rather stony silence because they were not used to being lectured .
19 Several hundred Kurds picketed the Home Office in protest at the continuing detentions and the deportations back to Turkey where they are said to face oppression and torture .
20 To all intents and purposes he was an attache with the Kenyan delegation at the United Nations and the only person outside UNACO who knew the truth was his wife , and even she had only been briefed in the vaguest possible terms .
21 Officials say it is because the two sides have different versions of what was decided at the previous negotiations that the ceasefire has broken down .
22 Some opponents of the regime expressed scepticism at the proposed reforms and the adoption of liberalism , apparently at the expense of the long-held official ideology of " Mobutism " under which the President embodied the party and the state .
23 He stood for a while , looking round about at the quiet dunes and the settling birds .
24 Presently he was there , he had arrived at the wooden planks and the criss-crossed supports of the bridge .
25 He got up after a while and paced round the high-ceilinged room , looking at the layered posters and the soft toys , the two old wardrobes , the small ring-tree on the window ledge , hung with little cheap , colourful rings .
26 Therapist : ‘ Now we have looked at the physical symptoms and the thoughts that accompany them , let's now look at how anxiety effects your behaviour .
27 As in any jet , thrust controls speed and elevator maintains glide angle on a continuous curving base leg to a four-mile final at a thousand feet or a little below .
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