Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Further applications in committal proceedings where no error by the court at the original hearing is alleged should be dealt with by an application to the county court for a rehearing under Order 37 of the County Court Rules 1981 .
2 A radioactive cloud released by the explosion at the Tomsk-7 nuclear plant in Siberia on 6 April was detected over northern Europe [ see ED 70 ] .
3 Throughout the speech you must speak loudly , aiming to be heard by the person at the far end of the room .
4 At times we seemed to be on an unavoidable collision course with menacing sharp edged rocks , only to be swept clear by the current at the last minute .
5 After a peaceful settlement was reached " the Security Council members … will bring their active contribution to the settlement of the other problems of the region and , in particular , the Israeli-Arab conflict and the Palestinian problem by the convening at the appropriate time of an international conference … to secure the security , the stability and the development of this part of the world " .
6 Of even greater strategic importance to the review was a condition set down by the Chancellor at the very beginning .
7 Thus , if the whole internal process were slowed down enormously , one could actually see a representation of each command executed by the machine at the lowest possible level of representation .
8 I used to stare by the hour at the old and the new vistas side by side .
9 The commission believes that tougher standards on fuels and engines should be introduced by the government at the earliest possible date to provide an incentive to the transport industry .
10 The almost flat surface cut by the sea at the older high level was left as a plateau .
11 A tiny , round , mahogany dining-table stood by the window at the far end of the room snatching cold , white light from the space outside .
12 It probably was n't economic in the very small town you know probably you know I do n't , I do n't remember people keeping pigs but if it was collected it probably was collected by the bin at the back door .
13 The revised proposal was debated at the Extraordinary General Meeting on May 20th , 1983 , with a separate discussion on the question of the Committee constitution also taking place ; this new proposal was a virtual mirror image of the 1982 amendment which had been disregarded by the President at the Extraordinary General Meeting of that year !
14 During the course of the day the Bank 's objective will be to provide enough assistance to the money market ( through outright bill operations and the other techniques discussed below ) to relieve the overall expected shortage , but purchases of bills by the Bank at the early rounds of assistance during the course of the day might only account for a small proportion of the overall assistance provided , for four main reasons .
15 As for national health service resources , the hon. Gentleman will know of the very large real-terms increases that have been made — in excess , in fact , of the real-terms increases promised by the Opposition at the last general election .
16 When everyone has found their places he stands by the microphone at the top table , hammers on the table with a gavel , and announces loudly , ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen , Pray SILENCE for the Reverend John Smith , who will now say grace . ’
17 However , the steepness of its banks made it impossible for vehicles to cross except by the bridge at the southern and of the town which , in 1815 , was only two and a half yards wide at its broadest point .
18 One could attempt to limit the " period of difficulty " to the two years by having a declaration of solvency ( if applicable ) sworn by the husband at the same time as he makes the conveyance ( see Chapter 10 , Precedent 81 ) and hope that that is acceptable to a prospective purchaser from the wife between the expiry of the two years and five year period .
19 A cat curled up by the boot-scraper at the front door of the Prince 's headquarters where the sentry , a British redcoat , stooped to fondle the animal 's warm fur .
20 Note that if a package has been marked for processing it is also read out since the file name chosen by the package at this level may be different from that chosen by the package at the next level .
21 If the public had been sickened by the carnage at the Olympic Stadium , the next spectacle to fill their television screens would be in such spectacular technicolor and DestructaVision that it would make Rambo look like a Disney movie .
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