Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hastings ' contribution more probably consisted of stirring up others by articulating anxieties about the future role of the Woodvilles and , perhaps , by canvassing the possibility of a protector as a viable alternative .
2 Hastings ' contribution more probably consisted of stirring up others by articulating anxieties about the future role of the Woodvilles and , perhaps , by canvassing the possibility of a protector as a viable alternative .
3 In Iran Rafsanjani had come under strong attack from Khomeini supporters who accused him of siding with America by accepting arms from the Great Satan and helping to get some of their hostages released .
4 We checked the assumption of proportionality by using graphs of the log-log survivor function .
5 Adapt any other slimming diet by using substitutes for the four zero foods .
6 This may be achieved by using modules from the same Stage or by bringing together modules from different Stages as necessary .
7 The irony of course , is that people involved in what is patently the same activity , are increasingly pulling apart from one another as they pursue their own institutional and professional goals by drawing boundaries around the same very narrow ( possibly non-existent ) patch .
8 To test this , we marked the boundaries of the exposed mesenchyme immediately after wounding by applying spots of the lipophilic dye DiI , which , once incorporated , remains confined to the cells that have taken it up .
9 The French reacted by opening negotiations with the Jacobite exiles in Paris , who responded with the usual optimistic accounts of the prospects for an invasion .
10 This year 's event will be held this Saturday and Sunday and will be marked in Derry by walking tours of the inner city organised by the North West Archaeological and Historical Society .
11 As one commentator noted wryly , there are more companies announcing Pentium-based machines then there are actual processors : a couple of dozen manufacturers spread their wares and Intel topped the whole thing off by announcing prices for the first time , and they are not cheap — 60MHz Pentiums cost $878 , while the 66MHz chip is $965 in quantities of 1,000 .
12 The Whitney Museum is to take photography seriously : its director , David Ross , has announced the setting up of an acquisitions committee whose job will be to establish a coherent acquisitions policy , mainly by filling gaps in the present collections .
13 There is an urgent need for the Book Trade to take a proactive role both in terms of educating itself about the new trading opportunities and by establishing links with the principal multimedia publishing interests worldwide .
14 MAP works towards its objectives by publicising issues in the monthly bulletin as well as by organising seminars for media consumers of all ages throughout the UK , and producing resource packs .
15 This first wave of indigenization had few practical effects , and Nigeria 's many TNCs managed to evade serious loss of control by enlisting members of the local bourgeoisie to ‘ front ’ for them , a universal practice where there are restrictions on foreigners engaging in certain economic activities .
16 On Sept. 21 the HCS began promised consultations with political parties by meeting representatives of the National Liberation Front ( FLN ) .
17 Terry Heneaghan , Pittencrieff 's chief executive , said he did not look at the deal in terms of oil or gas production and reserves which would be acquired , but rather in terms of cash flow which could be generated for his company by rationalising operations of the two companies in parts of the US where they both have interests .
18 The government has rejected proposals to overcome water shortages in south and east Britain by transporting supplies from the wetter north and west .
19 If 500 was Sciences , 530 Physics , and 539 Atomic Physics , revisers at DDC headquarters could subdivide decimally to produce 539.731 I , the number for the Electron ; and should the electron itself reveal hidden depths in future , presumably they can continue to subdivide by adding numbers to the right hand end .
20 Some members of the team distracted the bull by turning somersaults on the paved court : while the beast 's attention was diverted , an acrobat might leap crosswise over its back .
21 It grew to its current size by selling mainframes in the 1960s and 1970s but since then has seen a decline in this business .
22 In the future the special health authorities will have to raise funds by selling beds on the open market .
23 Finally , by teaching mothers about the lobon-gur mixture by word of mouth , the fact that more than 80% of the country 's population was illiterate became of no consequence .
24 The Declaration 's organizational framework committed parties to " co-ordinate and co-operate … by holding meetings at the foreign ministers ' level " .
25 We conclude by considering alternatives to the present system of local taxation .
26 Pius IX had attempted to make it ecumenical by summoning representatives of the Eastern Churches not in communion with Rome .
27 Finally , the effects of the economic recession have also helped to make bargaining more decentralised in Belgium by emphasising differences between the varying sectors , regions and enterprises .
28 By the time Eric Newby and Paul Theroux travelled on the Trans-Siberian , many of the station-masters were women , who seemed to establish their authority by dispatching trains in the traditional manner .
29 Cecil Powell 's contribution had been to take images of the particles by sending emulsions to the upper atmosphere in balloons , where cosmic rays hit them .
30 But private investors reacted quickly by buying equities in the small hours of yesterday morning .
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