Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A printed DXF file is quickly recognisable by consisting mainly of a narrow strip of short lines down the left hand margin of each page , usually a large number of pages , and a great deal of white paper .
2 Both he and Ted McMinn were fined by the club after breaking a New Year curfew by sneaking out to a late-night disco the night before a crunch match against Celtic .
3 You can compensate for using more time working a really special border and so on by speeding up on the main sections .
4 We start by bringing together in a compact and comparative form the key data for the various groups of intermediaries , in Table 4.3 .
5 He compromised by gazing fixedly into the middle distance , where moorland and forest drifted by and could be contemplated almost casually .
6 And Anders , showing off his strength by tearing only at the thick material of Nina 's suit .
7 But both had to give way to Larne AC 's flying doctor Peter Howie who produced his best ever run by storming through in the closing stages to grab the runner up spot .
8 But by walking up to the eastern corrie , Coire an Dothaidh , fear is not an issue ; only leg muscle .
9 We had crowd-flow blockages , insufficient refreshment facilities , no VIP entrance , no security check until people were in the main auditorium , and no way to get backstage except by walking right through the main meeting , up the stairs onto the stage and out through the back — with everybody watching !
10 While exhorting the judiciary to use custodial sentences only for the really wicked , who commit serious offences , they have refused to compromise the supposed independence of the judiciary by interfering directly in the judicial process .
11 The paper started by zeroing in on the inner London boroughs .
12 Labour , by signing up to the Social Chapter and introducing a minimum wage of £3.40 an hour , will make flexible jobs for women with families far too expensive for most employers to contemplate .
13 I would conclude by returning briefly to the Marleasing judgment .
14 Mercifully , these days , it 's easier to avoid costly mistakes by splashing out on a large bottle of something which is transformed into ‘ Eau de Old Socks ’ by your skin 's individual chemistry : if you ask politely in department stores , many perfume houses gladly hand out miniature sample vials of their wares , enabling you to make up your mind away from the high-pressure squirtings of over-zealous tester-bottle-wielders .
15 Some further light can be thrown on the importance of age by looking briefly at the differential performance of students with traditional qualifications in different age groups .
16 The possible phonemic function of each allophonic description found by HWIM 's Acoustic Phonetic Recognizer was scored by looking up in a long term confusion matrix the vector of 71 phoneme labels that could be associated with the segment 's feature description .
17 Baldwin inclined to the earlier date , mainly because he always sustained himself throughout the wearisomeness of the political year by looking forward to a relaxed August and September .
18 The important point to note as a summary here , is that the algorithms suggested for solving 30 out of 36 errors , would find the correct ( i.e. intended ) word by looking only at the top ranked candidate string , which neatly solves the problem described earlier of what to choose as a starting point for possible error correction , and avoids the potentially explosive situations .
19 But by looking back at the archaic phase of Greek history and forward to later autocrats , as we have done with the Sicilian tyrants , we can remind ourselves that the democratic interludes of Greek history were not merely short but untypical — in Syracuse , Macedon , Cyrene and satrapal Asia Minor one-man rule was normal for much of the period 479–323 BC .
20 Our interest is in political theories that require neutrality , i.e. , that are followed by acting neutrally in a principled way .
21 President Mary Robinson of the Irish Republic , who visited Somalia on Oct. 3 and 4 , said at an emotional press conference in Nairobi on Oct. 5 that the UN and the European Communities were " offending justice " by acting slowly over the Somali crisis .
22 By picking away at every factual link in the chain from furnace to fishless lake , Britain 's electricity industry hoped to avoid any restrictions on atmospheric discharges , whether ‘ arbitrary ’ or not .
23 The effect of the maxim is to add to most utterances a pragmatic inference to the effect that the statement presented is the strongest , or most informative , that can be made in the situation ; in many cases the implicatures can be glossed by adding only to the propositional content of the sentence , e.g. " Nigel has only fourteen children " , " the flag is only white " , " Harry only got a fine " .
24 He had been pacing the room with slow majestic energy ending by peering down through the venetian blind at Madison below .
25 The correct angle at which to set the drill is achieved by lining up with a sliding bevel set on the bench beside the drill .
26 They seem to be locked in a time warp but this has become their biggest selling point because , by remaining stubbornly unlike every other manufacturer , their instruments can not fail to be distinctive .
27 In these circumstances the ego simply has no hope of triumphing by measuring up to the ideal standards of the superego , in so far as it exists .
28 By forcing down on the upper , outside footrest the rider obtains exceptional feel for rear tyre grip .
29 It does something even more wonderful , it accelerates critical illness diagnosis by paying out on the disabling condition like loss of limb , where it creates a situation where the permanent person get paid out even before he has a critical condition , because that condition threatens his chances of paying his daily needs due to financial independence .
30 A bit of bother with walkers trudging through his land can soon be sorted out by nipping along to an agricultural auction and purchasing some huge stinking cows .
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