Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As well as a means of ensuring that interoperability and compatibility between different vendors ' Tuxedo-based products , USL wants the club to clearly identify these products by stamping them with the Tuxedo brand .
2 You use this both to anchor the sledge during a trip , by stamping it into the snow , and at the start of each day to hold the sledge , by clunking it on to a tree trunk .
3 The rig is partly used to steer the board through the turn by angling it across the board into wind .
4 Clive also attended , visibly gleeful that he had spared the school any undesirable publicity by unloading me in the nick of time .
5 It will decide on April 29 whether the Daily Express and the Independent invaded family privacy by naming her as the girl in the broadcast .
6 " I tell you what — I do n't think I can do any more by seeing him at the moment , but I think you should cut out his meat completely for a week or two .
7 There is an inflation of pride , through intensified awareness of one 's own power by seeing oneself through the subject 's eyes .
8 He embraces suicide as deed , as the one true act in a false world , as supreme podvig , as feat to end feats , God-killing , god-making ; and in doing so he exemplifies , as others before and Ivan Karamazov after him , the truth that Dostoevsky can only satisfy his hunger for crisis and clarity by bestowing it on the enemy .
9 So when it becomes clear that a criminal case is not proceeding as anticipated — a trial is not scuppered by lobbing something into the ring — there are discreet discussions between learned friends in chambers , many exchanges of the phrase ‘ I 'm much obliged ’ and finally the jury is summoned back .
10 Commands are chosen from an onscreen menu by touching them with the tip of the pointer and executed by pressing one or both of the buttons .
11 While LIFESPAN RDBI is running the error log file may be accessed by typing it to the screen .
12 We have compared the expression levels of VP6 and NS1 proteins in alternative sites by cloning one into the Bam HI site and the other in the Spe I/ Sma I sites or vice versa .
13 The effect of a specific sequence on gene expression was therefore assessed by cloning it into the Bam HI site at -105 in this promoter .
14 Subscriptions to the quarterly HVA ‘ current awareness bulletin' may also be arranged by contacting her at the address given above .
15 It is only by bringing them into the light of day that we can assess their cogency .
16 It seeks only to open up the lines of enquiry sketched out here ; and it does so in the hope that by bringing them into the debate , it may contribute towards a fuller and more objective assessment of Mary 's reign — and Mary 's misfortunes .
17 In his Commentaries on the Laws of England published over half a century before the 1870 Education Act , Blackstone wrote that ‘ it is not easy to imagine or allow that a parent has conferred any considerable benefit on his child by bringing him into the world , if he afterwards entirely neglects his culture and education , and suffers him to grow up like a mere beast , to lead a life useless to others and shameful to himself ’ .
18 When you tilt the main bed , to add a ribber , you must also tilt your knitting ( by bringing it over the ribber ) to maintain the correct angle .
19 You could make it all seem better than it was by reminding yourself of the spirit of Sharon Lines and the apparent contentment of Old Ape and the cigarette cocked jollily in the corner of Mrs Slewy 's mouth and the way in which Miss Lavant had learnt to live with her passion .
20 These were the sort of respondents who nicknamed the fieldworker ‘ Tell her Nothin ’ and ‘ Nosebag ’ , and tried to assert informal checks on colleagues who were conversing with her by reminding them of the notepad and that she ‘ writes everything down ’ .
21 A.C.G. Hastings was reprimanded by High Commissioner Girouard for using military means to effect the subjugation of the cannibal Tula tribe ; to redeem himself he volunteered to subdue the equally unruly Awok without firing a shot , and did so — by reminding them of the fate of the Tulas and giving them two hours to surrender their weapons .
22 Either they win the faint gratitude of listeners by reminding them of the original with a faithful remake , or they rip the original to shreds and reassemble it in a manner pleasing to themselves .
23 Where identification is a morally valuable attitude which can be expressed by binding oneself to the authority , one has a reason to do so which is served by consent to the authority .
24 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
25 Ropes and wires are fairly simple to test since it is easy to grip the ends by winding them round the barrel of a winch or capstan .
26 The principles can be demonstrated by applying them to the design of a stepped shaft where a maximum stress concentration factor has been specified .
27 They won by applying themselves to the job in hand and , if they had continued to do the same in the Tests , it might have been an interesting summer .
28 In the face of a history which obscures such discontinuities , the first stage for Foucault , therefore , is to defamiliarize it by reconstituting it without the mythology of a continuous History which has turned difference into identity .
29 LEFT At times it may be possible to conserve or reconstruct a site , by incorporating it in the development plans .
30 Everyone remarks on how aggressive it now is , and it seems Down Under , Hewlett-Packard Co made its point about its new mainframe-killing Emerald servers by launching them in the Fossil Gallery of the Australian Museum , carefully labelling the dinosaur skeletons with jibes at IBM Corp , Hitachi Ltd , Fujitsu Ltd , Amdahl Corp and Digital Equipment Corp : legends such as ‘ ES/9000 — a large body and a small brain led this animal to become extinct ’ .
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