Example sentences of "by [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 TWO researchers at the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge were impressed , as I was , by the experiments at Yale which showed that the smell of chocolate helped subjects to remember words more efficiently than those who were not exposed to the smell .
2 It is a voice unaffected by the changes in articulation which have taken place since the 1930s .
3 The wardens of Inglewood took ‘ escapes ’ - or fines paid by the owners of animals which had strayed into forbidden parts of the forest .
4 Let us hope that G1S can , in some small way , help mitigate the suffering and hardship felt by all those afflicted by the effects of hazards which , as we have learnt with bitter recent experience in the UK , can occur in an untimely fashion in the most improbable of places .
5 This is a racist discourse profoundly marked by the fractures of identity which produced it , and consequently one whose internal contradictions are both more explicitly articulated and more strongly disavowed .
6 This attack , which made inevitable the outbreak of a great European war ( see p. 298 ) was in part provoked by the contents of documents which a Saxon government clerk had been bribed to betray to the Prussians .
7 Each quotation describes a journey in a carriage taken by the protagonists of works which are in many cases those whose titles bear their names : Emma , Madame Bovary , Clarissa , etc .
8 Sometimes authorities are understood to be limited by the kinds of acts which they can or can not regulate ( given some restrictive ways of classifying acts ) .
9 Our understand of the quality of later life before this revolution in attitudes is severely constrained by the kinds of information which have survived .
10 Rather than looking for deviations from pattern , perhaps one should be looking at the patterns produced by the modes of rationality which agents typically find it conventional to construct .
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