Example sentences of "by [art] [adj] [noun pl] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This attempt to ‘ define ’ by inclusions has been carried a stage further by the Financial Services Act which , for its purposes , employs both inclusions and exclusions .
2 If the matter is not resolved by the small claims procedure it may go forward to a full hearing before a County Court judge in the normal way .
3 This was considered by the Legal Services Committee which advised the Chairman of the Bar that the way out of the dilemma was to invite the CPS/GLS to withdraw their application .
4 One case of particular importance in this field was brought by the Equal Opportunities Commission which , in addition to its formal powers of investigation has legal authority to pursue cases in the courts .
5 In terms of Wirral , this function is carried out by the local Drugs Council which provides a ‘ drop-in ’ service for users and their families , a 24-hour telephone service , two-week induction courses with follow-up counselling , and residential facilities for those who need to ‘ come off the street ’ .
6 If this advice were incorrect , then Margaret Rose would be entitled to the Crown as coparcener and , in strict law , the vice in Elizabeth 's title could not have been removed by the Royal Titles Bill which would , ex hypothesi , have lacked the Royal Assent .
7 Sheep farmer Alison Hunter Blair has a lamb which has been orphaned after it 's mother died , now through a special lamb bank set up by the national farmers union she 'll be able to find a new mother for the lamb .
8 It 's been told to improve the works by the National Rivers Authority which monitors pollution .
9 The association 's concerns have been backed by the National Rivers Authority who said in a letter : ‘ The site and building is on the flood plane of the River Eden and the flooding of the area and the building can not be discounted . ’
10 Gail is very encouraged by a young wives group she started with a friend .
11 It will be replaced , most probably , by a modern sports centre which will have no room for cricket .
12 Sir Crispin 's lecture was followed by a lively questions session which clearly demonstrated the interest and concern of the audience .
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