Example sentences of "by [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He ended his talk by praising his staff for the way in which they were responding to students with special needs , particularly those with physical or sensory disabilities , who were increasingly seeking to pursue studies at the Darlington college .
2 It starts by stamping its feet on the ground and arching its back .
3 Clancy Fernando was killed in Colombo on Nov. 16 when a suicide bomber , believed to be a member of the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE ) , activated a bomb by crashing his motorcycle into the admiral 's car .
4 The pair of them added a fair number of crashes to the record that year and when both Hunt and Horsley crashed at Brands Hatch ( Hunt made it a double by crashing his Mini on the way home ! )
5 The preferred approach of Soviet officials was to confirm Iran 's abandonment of a pro-Western political and military policy by encouraging its association in the Non-Aligned Movement .
6 West Indies have answered speculation about Viv Richards 's health by naming him captain for the Champions ' Trophy tournament in Sharjah and the Nehru tournament in India .
7 Thankfully one of the other people in the flat was from keighley and a fellow whites fan ( had trials with them he kept telling me , and scored against Lukic — a fact he celebrated by naming his cat after the illustrious man ) so they press cuttings did n't last too long .
8 Poulantzas therefore develops his theory by elaborating his conception of the capitalist state and tracing its connection with the class struggle .
9 If you feel you often get unnecessarily short shrift in your interviews with professionals a question you must ask yourself is whether you have created an unfavourable impression by wasting their time in the past .
10 It is already widely acknowledged that Germany has been able to augment her political weight , especially in European affairs , by pursuing her interests under the European banner .
11 By biding his time in the immediate aftermath of Mao 's death , he could prepare for a rise to power in the CCP .
12 After 1400 , it has been noted , lawyers in the Parlement of Paris consistently tried to show the respectability of their soldier-clients by underlining their service to the king and the public good : ‘ … a longuement servy le roy ’ ; ‘ … tient frontier contre les enemis ’ ; ‘ … il a esté grevé car lui estant en expedicion pour la chose publique ’ are phrases which , when used regularly , tell us something of the values of the society in which they are uttered , and of the soldier 's role in it .
13 They replace traditional legitimations of power by appearing in the mantle of modern science and by deriving their justification from the critique of ideology .
14 When he smiles , he looks slightly goofy , the skin pulled right over his cheeks like the face children make by sticking their fingers in the corners of their mouths .
15 I 'm sorry if I pitched it strong , but you 'll never get anywhere in business by sticking your head in the sand .
16 Even the decoits in the interior of Sind who had been closely following Pakistan 's victory march in their hide-outs expressed their joy by firing their weapons in the air without fear of being discovered .
17 You can also enter a new media item into one of the uninitialised items which has not been displayed ( because it occurs between two initialised items ) by typing its number in the Start identifier field .
18 Once in the set-up position , you will need to check your alignment by rotating your head towards the target .
19 She achieves birth , instead , by bracing her body against the ground with her forelegs and then inflating her lungs so that they swell into her abdomen and squeeze the young out by pneumatic pressure .
20 Truly successful marketing invariably begins with comprehensive and accurate market research , and here the IDB can assist through its Marketing Intelligence Centre and by using its links with the British Overseas Trade Board .
21 the only thing but I mean you know you accepted what he said and then went on and , and by using your picture with the , with the cheque I mean you had him eating out your hand at the end did n't you ?
22 By using our understanding of the nature of a node and the storage therein of energy , the development of callus healing tissue , and the development from that of adventitious tissue ( see page 59 et seq . ) ,
23 Could we get the same result by using our formula for the vector potential ( eqn(3.17) ) ?
24 Seth had been defeated by Horus but took legal action to establish his claim to the throne of Osiris by bringing his case before the nine gods of Heliopolis .
25 Deafened at the age of three months as a result of a fall from his nurse 's arms , he took full advantage of his independent means by devoting his life to the service of his fellow-deaf as an honourary missioner in his native city of Liverpool and as a licensed lay reader excelling in the conduct of religious services for the deaf .
26 He should begin by drawing her attention to the dividend yield of Barclays Bank .
27 In other words , he need n't have told Pooh that there was honey , he could have shown him that there was — for example , by drawing his attention to the pot of honey on the sideboard .
28 The University of Nottingham is meeting these challenges by maintaining its commitment to the highest quality teaching and research .
29 He never charged for the rooms and the journalists repaid him by keeping their custom at the bar .
30 He attempts to resolve the problem by affirming his belief in the ideal on the grounds that man 's life is an aspiration or a striving for , perfection , yet at the same time recognizing that in an imperfect world one has to make concessions to , or to cater for , human weakness .
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