Example sentences of "at [adv] the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is aimed at much the same audience as Graphics Works , but takes a difference approach by including Microsoft Publisher , along with Arts & Letters Apprentice 3.1 and Halo Desktop Imager ( for image capture conversion and improvement ) .
2 What is true is that large firms also destroy large numbers of jobs at much the same rate as they create them , whereas small firms have a lower rate of job destruction .
3 ‘ In broad terms the acrylics are mature products , ’ he says , ‘ So the general expectation must be that they are likely to grow at much the same rate as the economy of the industrial world as a whole .
4 Contrary to what he said , that has enabled the industry to maintain production at much the same levels as those of 1990 .
5 The king had himself portrayed on the last coinage of his reign , issued c. 1485 , wearing the closed crown of the emperor , at much the same time as Henry VII introduced the style into England ; but James went one better by having himself shown in a realistic three-quarters face portrait , thereby producing what the numismatist Ian Stewart has described as ‘ probably the earliest Renaissance coin portrait outside Italy ’ .
6 Thus rapidly , and with support on all sides , did Co-operation become accepted as a means of doing business , and at much the same time as did the joint stock company in essentially its modern form .
7 In simple co-operative work , the Art Department can plan to examine particular patterns and structures at much the same time as the Science Department looks at crystals and lattices ; the Geography Department can look at climatology and weather charting at the same time as the Mathematics Department studies or revises graphs .
8 The earliest excavations , however , in 1948–9 at Ivel House , supplemented by observation of local service trenches , revealed surprisingly complex occupation including buildings with opus signinum and mosaic floors , at much the same time as Stevens argued for its status as a late civitas centre .
9 There were other ways of arriving at much the same conclusion but one logical consequence was that the non-biblical " gentiles " and the " savages " were lumped together as a kind of historical residue of " first men " .
10 If the project is to create a new manufacturing process , rather than a product , the starting point would be at much the same stage but would not go past building the plant ( stage 9 ) since there would be no question of quantity production .
11 If the project is to create a new manufacturing process , rather than a product , the starting point would be at much the same stage but would not go past building the plant ( stage 9 ) since there would be no question of quantity production .
12 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
13 The swinging leg has to touch down at exactly the right speed and lock straight in time to convert the kinetic energy into lift .
14 The universe would then go on to expand and cool just like the hot big bang model , but there would now be an explanation of why the universe was expanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature .
15 A little way above his head , and maybe a few metres back , is a crossed pair of microphones with their elements set at exactly the same distance as his ears .
16 you all start at exactly the same level whereas where Claire went I mean , it 's ridiculous to say you should be county standard sports !
17 it just happens to be the same amount at exactly the same time but how nice of him to explain and how silly of us to be taken in by this string of coincidences .
18 At exactly the same time that the ‘ shake-out ’ was happening — the early 1960s — the largest expansion of evening titles since the 1890s was under way .
19 The publicity the film attracted in Cannes followed Nicholson back to America where it was due for New York opening in July which , as Karen Black told me later , was an odd time : ‘ It was a college film and so it goes on release at exactly the same time as the colleges are closing down for the summer and everyone is going home . ’
20 He seemed , indeed , to have become much more decisive altogether , for at exactly the same time as he signed the rescript , he created a new governmental body under his own chairmanship , the Council of Ministers , whose purpose was apparently to strengthen his grip on the central administration .
21 Fenella began to speak at exactly the same moment that Pumlumon began to intone the Draoicht Suan .
22 Even if you listen out carefully before you transmit , you have no guarantee that another pilot is not going to press his or her PTT at exactly the same moment as you do , with the probable result that both messages are drowned out and the Air Traffic Controller 's ears are assaulted by a high-pitched screech .
23 Every move he made was duplicated by the rest of the shoal at exactly the same speed and with absolute precision .
24 I doubt that an historian of welfare policy in the 1970s could access data and run it ( i.e. view it ) just as was done by the policy makers of the 1970s and their advisers , yet we can read the parliamentary reports of the nineteenth century at exactly the same speed and in exactly the same form as the policy makers who used and created them .
25 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
26 The timing of these changes and the details of the structures adopted varied between the countries comprising the United Kingdom , but ‘ as a service provider , local government in Scotland developed at broadly the same pace as local government in England and Wales ’ ( Page 1983:43 ; cf. foster et al.
27 Using the Jodrell Bank Radio telescope in Cheshire , they had observed the super dense pulsating radio star ( pulsar ) PSR18219-10 for 18 months and deduced from variations in its radio signature that it was being orbited by a planet every six months at approximately the same distance as that from Venus to the Sun .
28 It has remained at approximately the same latitude since its discovery but it has changed in size , reaching its maximum size of 40 000 × 13 000 km about 100 years ago .
29 A level-top , apart from its looking well , was emphasized for a good economic reason : if the ploughland was level , the drill coulters would bite in at an uniform depth , and sow the seed in the same way ; the ears of corn would then mature at approximately the same time and all the seeds of corn would be approximately the same size .
30 Even more amazing is how they managed to arrive at just the right place , and at just the right day and hour required , when not even Charles himself knew where he and his men would be .
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