Example sentences of "at [art] same time it be " in BNC.

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1 The SJ-20 's general tone is rich and deep , but at the same time it 's still quite a controlled and well-balanced instrument ; I 'd say it falls somewhere between the ‘ Martin' and ‘ Guild ’ camps in character of sound .
2 But at the same time it 's wonderful that the government is recognizing the kind of work that gay organizations have put into this issue .
3 But at the same time it 's very hard to get rid of something as large as the psychic fear of famine .
4 At the same time it 's worth remembering that at least one contrast colour , even if only a large plant or a mass of flowers or cushions , will help to emphasize the clever harmony of the background colour scheme .
5 Not a great competition-winning shot but er , at the same time it 's a , it 's a nice enough shot of this particular area .
6 At the same time it is bringing a new generation of management into the MB Group boardroom to mastermind the next phase of the company 's expansion .
7 But at the same time it is surely doing more than assert what God is not .
8 At the same time it is obvious that full enforcement of the law would be totally impractical .
9 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
10 At the same time it is important not to respond to any minor stress or new problem with an immediate appointment unless really necessary , telephone contact is often a useful alternative .
11 is no doubt peculiar ; but , at the same time it is hidden from the external observer by the event horizon .
12 At the same time it is likely that the insects developed tracheal breathing through perforations in their surface tissue which conducted oxygen directly into their bodies .
13 At the same time it is a contract : responsibility , authority and accountability are defined by the superior and the individual in his job contracts to perform to the standards set .
14 At the same time it is easy to see that group solidarity overrides all other loyalties and motives .
15 At the same time it is a business fund ( joint stock ) which again is separate and distinct from its subscribers , yet joined to them through debits and credits .
16 It is he who brings into this world all the powers to be used in it ; at the same time it is he who could become predator through sorcery of his own people ( see Overing 1985 ) .
17 There is a sense in which family relationships are regarded as providing structures of support which are uniquely reliable , but at the same time it is obvious that not everyone draws upon such support in practice .
18 At the same time it is not altogether clear how much weight to attach to figures quoted in the charged atmosphere of a hearing by the Royal Commission in 1517 .
19 How can man make history if at the same time it is history which makes him ?
20 Apparently the paint will turn yellow in the dark as well as in daylight ; at the same time it is resistant to any form of solvent , making the restoration almost impossible to reverse without damage to the original .
21 At the same time it is implied that when Re takes his eternal position in the sky , the power of his name will remain on earth , invested in the living Horus , the king .
22 Higher education is relatively autonomous from the state but at the same time it is not isolated from the power structures and values of society .
23 Is this because the construction of racialized identities depends on the existence of the Other , while at the same time it is this ‘ alien presence ’ which is seen to be such a threat to identity that its total annihilation is required ?
24 But at the same time it is clear that some periods display radical situational change , while others , in between these , are periods of relative situational stability , when day-to-day conjunctural movement assumes a more prominent position in the historical picture ( see Gramsci 1971 : 175–85 ) .
25 Thus , they are all particularly clearly in play at moments like ‘ heart has wings ’ ( bar 5 ) , where a rhythmic stretching-out makes the voice try to fly , while at the same time it is poignantly connected to earth by a descending glissando on the last note ; and the ‘ how the ghost of you clings ’ phrase , which is given a strikingly tremulous ‘ clings ’ .
26 At the same time it is no less obvious that the very purpose of criticism levelled at those who have the conduct of public affairs by their political opponents is to undermine public confidence in their stewardship and to persuade the electorate that the opponents would make a better job of it than those presently holding office .
27 At the same time it is right to say that in her evidence … she repudiates the notion that any influence was exerted or any pressure put upon her , or that her husband made any misrepresentation to her .
28 At the same time it is plain that this is an extraordinary power and that the discretion must be exercised after a careful balancing of the factors involved — on the one hand the reasonable requirements of the administrator to carry out his task , on the other the need to avoid making an order which is wholly unreasonable , unnecessary or ‘ oppressive ’ to the person concerned .
29 At the same time it is able to identify the incorrect assemblies of corner contact , partial insertion or remoteness ( see Figure 2.16 ) .
30 At the same time it is my belief that while we were do doing the footings we can also the concrete to fall in line where we will erm put the main floor in .
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