Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] time [subord] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The number of hotel-based leisure complexes that do not take into consideration the operation of a facility at the same time as its aesthetics are plain for all to see .
2 Last week , at the same time as its announcement of early shipments of the OSF-derived DCE/SVR4 , see above , it finally went public .
3 The Norman exchequer ( probably instituted in the early years of the century , at the same time as its English counterpart ) used the tally , the chequered cloth , and the abacus to provide records for the illiterate and to overcome the considerable problems posed by the use of Roman numerals in addition and subtraction .
4 Elaine a retired civil servant who had worked all her life , felt she made a mistake in retiring at the same time as her friend Louise who had always opted out of the cooking and cleaning in favour of gardening and doing the decorating .
5 At the same time as her nose wrinkled , the corners of her mouth turned down and her eyelids drooped .
6 Fiona , whose businessman husband Rod Potts lives in Cumbria , plans to turn in at the same time as her baby daughter Natasha .
7 She hadgone to Banbury social services for help at the same time as her cousin Ian Barnes .
8 In particular , the Magyar gentry saw themselves placed at a disadvantage compared with German-speakers at the same time as their historic liberties were threatened .
9 The famous Tiller discretion was instilled into them at the same time as their routines and with equal thoroughness .
10 Some of these children show an interesting reaction when the allergenic foods are removed from the diet and other allergens avoided : their mental and behavioural symptoms clear up at the same time as their physical ones .
11 Just over half of those who retired prematurely did so at the same time as their redundancy .
12 If voices were to end at the same time as their canonic function ended they would fall out one by one , as in a round .
13 Ironically , the linguistic difference ( in markedness ) between the terms is emphasized at the same time as their functional equivalence — with the milder signifying the stronger — is blatantly evident .
14 The 16-year-olds could play for the juniors at the same time as their fathers turn out for the club 's over-35s team in a national competition .
15 At the same time as our mystics were writing in England , this principle became definitive in the Greek Christian empire of Byzantium .
16 At the same time as our launching of Youth Leagues , we identified volleyball as a growth sport which was not only visually exciting but also had a good , clean image .
17 The detail of the proposals on contributions was , of course , fully set out in the very full statement that I made to the House by way of a written answer at the same time as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor 's autumn statement on 6 November .
18 But at the same time as my accusation was being assessed by a prestigious board of Edinburgh academics , just a departmental door away a female student and her male lecturer were engaging in clandestine consensual sex .
19 Time the action so that your withdrawal is completed at the same time as your advancing foot is taking up its new position .
20 This action can be taken at the same time as your writ is issued and prior to judgement being given .
21 Book Club Europe Drive at the same time as your flight and you could be driving a luxurious Ford Granada Scorpio for exactly the same price as a Ford Sierra 1.6L .
22 The young man who has been married at the same time as his peers does not share his wife with them nor do the wives share their husbands .
23 He had hoped that the pope himself would have excommunicated Henry at the same time as his chief accomplice ; but since this was not to be , Anselm consulted Archbishop Hugh and decided to go ahead with his own excommunication .
24 No doubt when Harley 's golden streak with his putter came to an end , as end it must , his theory would be consigned to the dustbin — at the same time as his current putter was hurled into a dusty corner of the attic .
25 Whereupon , the 29 year-old Mrs. Gerring launched into her theory that he had his club open at the address at the same time as his body was facing well left of the target .
26 At the same time as his hon. Friend the Member for Monklands , West ( Mr. Clarke ) is saying that pay beds are to be driven from the health service and given to private companies , Lord Ennals has taken a leading position as a director of a private healthcare company — while remaining a Front-Bench spokesman on health for the Labour party .
27 It 'll now run at the same time as his main sentence and means he 'll spend less time in jail .
28 Did you see that one advertising triple glazing at the same time as his double would you believe ?
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