Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] time [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 Finally , important solution forms are to be found in the Red Sea , a region of such aridity that the possibility of fresh water playing a part at the present time can be ignored .
2 If this is not possible ( and it usually is n't ) , the golden advice at the present time must be to sell first rather than risk lumbering yourself with the crippling expense of having to borrow for several months or possibly longer .
3 Such responses would be free of eye-velocity signals , but at the same time would be contaminated by visual signals or higher command signals acting to cancel the VOR .
4 We have seen how many animal groups diversified during the Ordovician ; the rapid evolution of nautiloid cephalopods at the same time may be more than coincidence .
5 The fact that several shoals are compelled by circumstances to amass in a swim at the same time may be the explanation as to why it is easier to make a big catch from a river .
6 Increase is by division in spring , and seed sown at the same time can be used for the species .
7 The unique keycard will now control guest access to one 's room , swimming pool , car park , and so on , and at the same time can be used as a credit card during one 's stay at the hotel .
8 In order to apply the requirements of the [ draft ] FRS it is necessary to determine whether instruments issued at the same time should be accounted for individually or not .
9 He gained a reputation as a practical joker , yet at the same time could be quite morose .
10 Put simply , it was difficult to find outlets for short-to medium-term lending whose self-liquidation at a definite time could be relied upon .
11 The change he makes is to assume that the laws of motion obeyed by the particles constituting an isolated system are non-invertible : that is , that the same dynamical state at a given time can be reached from two or more different dynamical states at some earlier time .
12 Surely , it will be said , it is necessary to draw a distinction between predicates which within a given context at a given time can be appropriately ascribed to a given existent , and those predicates which under the same conditions can not be meaningfully said that either they or their contradictories are true of the existent in question .
13 Consistently the view was presented that one had to feel that the job which one was doing at a particular time could be related to some end product .
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