Example sentences of "at [noun] [conj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While crowds at Netherdale and at the relegation games should be large , the biggest attendance could be at Inverleith , where Stewart's-Melville will be hoping the experience of players such as Finlay Calder , Douglas Wyllie and Julian Scott will see them win their Division II promotion clash with Musselburgh .
2 On this particular day , they had been shooting at Taos and at the end of it they dropped some acid and took off with two other friends to visit the nearby tomb of D.H .
3 The boy often went to stay at Ely and at the age of 8 could be observed giving strangers a guided tour .
4 We have already discussed the question of fuel used in cremations which , at least for the larger cremation cemeteries , argues that the cremation itself may be more likely to have occurred at home than at the cemetery .
5 In one of his earliest pamphlets , called The Reason of Church Government , he said this about himself : ‘ After I had for my first years , by the ceaseless diligence and care of my father , whom God recompense , been exercised to the tongues and some sciences as my age would suffer , by sundry masters and teachers , both at home and at the schools , it was found that whether ought was imposed me by them that had the overlooking , or be taken to of mine own choice in English or other tongue , prosing or versing but chiefly by this latter , style by certain vital signs it had was likely to live .
6 At enrolment and at the end of each treatment period , subjects and their closest relative or friend completed a questionnaire about symptoms and signs during hypoglycaemia .
7 Jacob studied at the Yeshiva de los Pintos at Rotterdam and at the age of twenty-five was already a rabbi in Amsterdam .
8 The telephone has to be manned 24 hours a day , 7 days a week , so when it is my turn on duty ( at night or at the weekends ) , answering the phone occupies much of my time .
9 I was then asked : ‘ what 's the difference between a law course at polytechnic and at the university ? ’
10 For instance the , the hymns that he all had , I presume at Salisbury Park er certainly with us and at Johnstown and at the Rio where there 's no alternative , was all from the congregation
11 We commence with the service sector , looking particularly at retailing and at the holiday and entertainments ( night clubs , dance halls ) Industry .
12 If she has children does she talk to other mothers at playgroup or at the school gate ?
13 Not so ! always said that he had enjoyed his time at Kirkcaldy and at the lunch he underlined that sentiment .
14 In the Survival Study , a random , stratified sample of 520 compounds was selected and blood samples were taken from all the children living in these compounds at baseline and at the end of the trial .
15 But earning enough to pay for design courses at Pratt or at the Fashion Institute in New York had been more than appealing , and working with people in the business had been the clincher .
16 Studies of this type usually focus on general elections alone , but this one looks also at by-elections and at the change between them .
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