Example sentences of "he [modal v] have [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Gardiner argued that Walton J. erred in a number of respects although he may have reached the right answer by the wrong route .
2 Alternatively , he may have devised the anti-clerical legislation of the period 1529 to 1533 as a weapon to bludgeon the pope into granting the annulment , only to resort to the supremacy as an emergency measure when Anne Boleyn became pregnant in 1533 .
3 He may have seen the continental ice cap , raised by mirage .
4 Although there is no evidence that Horace Walpole ( who died on 2 March 1797 ) ever attended College meetings it is pleasant to think that he may have formed the undiscovered link between Lord Camden and the as yet unlocated Veterinary College .
5 Even if the lobbyist is not entirely successful in putting across his point of view , he may have limited the potential damage of the new legislation .
6 But at that stage he may have valued the intellectual stimulus that a closer intercourse with Jesuit astronomers seemed to promise .
7 He may have meant the general composition of what had been the whole great building : who is to say that he did not also intend the look , smell , feel and silence of these stones ?
8 He may have lasted the full 90 mins … but the opposition were n't making life that difficult for him ! !
9 His childhood had largely been spent , however , in the more socially elevated household of his snobbish and unloved aunt , Elizabeth Tyler , from whom he may have learnt the polished superficiality of manner which was one feature of his character .
10 TO SACK Norman Lamont now , eight months after he should have done the honourable thing for failing to keep sterling within Europe 's exchange-rate mechanism , would smack of prime-ministerial panic and cheap populism .
11 I love the fresh smell in the air when everything seems to be coming to life again and I felt a natural surge of joy , as if in a few weeks ' time John would be coming home from his first trip away just as he should have done the previous April .
12 Lennox also hit back at critics , who claim he should have avoided the dangerous Ruddock and hidden himself away for a world title shot , snapping : ‘ I know the British fight fans will respect me for going in against the best instead of facing an easy touch .
13 He should have left the bloody things off because they 're gon na have to take them off if they have their carpets down and might have to have something planed off them or something might n't they ?
14 It is remarkable , when you think of what most of us philosophers are like , that he should have had the sheer ability and integrity to elicit such a response from people of such political eminence .
15 He must have heard the racing results at six o'clock .
16 He must have loved the faithless Melanie very deeply to be so bitter over losing her .
17 ‘ No , I came to the conclusion that he must have gone the other way , along the track leading to the road . ’
18 Not only that , but he must have swallowed the large Garry Dog I had on the line , which must have floated down in an unrestricted way to him . ’
19 He must have made the whole thing up from start to finish .
20 He did not reply to the letter I left on his desk until months later , by which time he must have overcome the initial shock my flight must surely have caused him .
21 Who he was she could n't say , because the room was too dark , but he must have left the front door open and the wind must have caught it and made it shut with a crash .
22 Hamnett took the towpath ; insofar as he 'd considered it at all , the old fellow thought he must have returned the other way . ’
23 Given time , he might have destroyed the British Union of Fascists single-handed by his cold-hearted vindictiveness .
24 ‘ Have a try with Swayne 's cat next door ; he might have made the bloody marks on the carpet .
25 If Cullam had been in a fit state to observe behaviour he might have thought the chief inspector bored or preoccupied .
26 He might have known the Great Enchanter personally , and will almost certainly covet some of Drachenfels ' magical possessions .
27 The speaker feels — and do n't we all ? — that if he had been around then he might have had the good fortune to cut a greater dash in the subject than he is succeeding in doing in present circumstances .
28 How much more depressed he would have been , if he could have seen the silent trombonist in years to come , ensconced in his offices , sifting the sparse and scattered remains of his life .
29 Grimly , he could have enjoyed the sudden notoriety and muted sympathy .
30 Time and again between then and the UN deadline of January 15th , he could have averted the allied counter-offensive that followed .
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