Example sentences of "he [modal v] n't [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He should n't have faith in me .
2 He could n't tell direction in the fog .
3 ‘ And if he could n't make love to his wife because she was paralysed from the waist down … ’
4 He could n't waste time in useless persuasion .
5 HEARTBROKEN husband Robin Hood killed himself because he could n't face life without his murdered wife ‘ Maid ’ Marion .
6 Lou Macari signed a three year contract with Celtic this afternoon then told Scotland Today he would walk away if he could n't bring success to the club in that time .
7 In an interview with La Stampa yesterday , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA chief Carlo De Benedetti condemned the pervasive system of political corruption , which he says obligated Olivetti to pay bribes or lose contracts , as ‘ having reduced Italy to a state worse than the Third World ’ : he says that at the last shareholders meeting earlier this year , he had to deny any bribery because he could n't preview information to the shareholders that was intended for the legal authorities ; he says that facing the judges , he felt liberated from a weight — ‘ then I felt a sense of justice — it pleased me to be there , ’ noting that when the company decided that the demands of the postal service for slush funds became too extreme and Olivetti stopped paying , ‘ we did n't sell another machine to the Post — we had arrived at the absurd point where , if we did n't pay , we did n't work and the moment we quit paying , we did n't work any more ’ .
8 He could n't see curvature in the third dimension .
9 He went all over the place looking , but he could n't get hold of it I mean it was obviously it was something that he made himself but it was beautiful !
10 A minute or two later Pat said he could n't keep height for lack of power and we would have to ditch .
11 Well our milkman , to be honest with you , it got to the stage where he would n't collect milk at night to collect the cash at night .
12 ‘ He 's careful about what he eats , and he does n't drink — he would n't have alcohol in his trifle .
13 Now he would n't have time for either .
14 He would n't dare scream for help if I robbed him .
15 He ca n't tell Dad about the deportation .
16 Mr has great powers but he ca n't give evidence on this case
17 Steve Gilbert has had a beard for 20 years and says he ca n't imagine life without it .
18 Duncan took some persuading — £250 and the scrap option on the VW to be exact — but agreed to meet me at Blackberry Hill with his wrecker truck ( there is n't a vehicle known to man he ca n't get hold of ) in two hours .
19 But the consultant in charge says he ca n't run casualty like a supermarket .
20 ‘ Poor Perks , he ca n't take care of his own family .
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