Example sentences of "he [modal v] not [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 is that a person who acts as a representative of another is in a conflict of interest situation if , either at the time when he accepts appointment or subsequently while he acts as a representative , there is a material interest of his own or of a third person for whom he also acts , and the pursuit or protection of that interest would create a substantial risk that he may not act in the best way to pursue or protect the interest of the person he represents .
2 Lucien felt he should not answer in the affirmative .
3 The solicitor contacted by the first defendant and Mr. Morgan for the purposes of the new will , Mr. Burgess , concluded that the deceased lacked testamentary competence and that he should not proceed in the matter .
4 He used it whereever he could and in some places where he should n't like in the rainwater system .
5 At times , he could n't drink in the same bar as his new white team-mates but there were no barriers to him on the cricket field .
6 He could n't turn in the narrow road here because of the car parked opposite .
7 Yet he , the archer , might have gone back there to check again after all and if he had he would know I was alive , but he would never find me where I was now , deep in impenetrable shadow along a path he could n't follow in the dark .
8 he 'd come to get a cloth , they 're in the front room with Jim , the , he could n't get in the door , they 're saying , we , I want , we want Beethoven music , we want Mozart music , so Jim 's in there with them and they will not leave the cabinet of the music centre
9 Fuck he could n't get in the
10 I bet he could n't get in the smaller ball than Fred can get you
11 Well , Dominic would have played more but he could n't get in the blooming team !
12 Kirk then stated that he could not concur in the order and that Robertson expressed his disappointment , but stated that he could not " bother at this time who might or might not be handed over to be shot " and would send his telegram anyway .
13 John survived only because he could not settle in the cabin with his brother and sister .
14 John escaped death because he could not settle in the doomed cabin where 15-year-old Catherine and 12-year-old James were sleeping .
15 He could not let in the faintest perfumes of incense-bearing trees in gardens bright with sinuous rills .
16 He could not join in the discussion .
17 He could not join in the telling of smutty jokes or the foraging expeditions for willing females .
18 He could not live in the outside world , because of his terrible , ugly face .
19 This was a dimension he could not remember in the old Elsie .
20 As the Dragoons were still looking for him , he would not stay in the house but had a small cave dug nearby , with a gorse bush to hide the entrance .
21 He would not survive in the open if he had no strength .
22 Tom Cumming , on account of his religious denomination , said he would not fight in the 1745 Rebellion , but would drive an ammunition cart : Johnson 's point had to do with the difference between religious texts meant to be taken literally , and those intended for general guidance . )
23 He would n't eat in the hotel just yet in case the locals were feeling generous .
24 Well And then there 's there 's y er y he ca n't get in the house cos you 're in the way and he 's trying to push past and y we do n't know where the hell to go .
25 Or would the West cry foul , and declare that Mr Gorbachev can not , after all , be trusted to keep his word that the Brezhnev doctrine is dead , and that he will not interfere in the Warsaw Pact countries ?
26 amendment which I hope will financial control which is that the of financial services shall have no discretion to accept claims for the financial year ninety-three ninety-four , submitted after the thirtieth of June nineteen-ninety- four , that effectively means that that two month rule which he does have discretion on he will not have in the case of late claims in this financial year , that means we 'll know exactly what the figures are , by the thirtieth of June .
27 The village 's new beat bobby will begin duties shortly , though he will not live in the police house which adjoins the stone-built 101-year-old station .
28 ‘ The chief agent was awoken at six in the morning ; he had to ask John Wakeham , you know how good John is at this sort of thing , to quit his room at Topps Hotel ( he wo n't stay in the Grand for all the tea in China and who shall blame him ? ) and pop down to Kemp Town and arrange bail .
29 Well that 's what I 'm saying I 'll put him in the bed , but he wo n't sleep in the bed , he can sleep with me .
30 ‘ Mother says he can not smoke in the house while I am with child . ’
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