Example sentences of "he [modal v] [verb] been [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or he may have been stripped to delay any identification , I suppose .
2 He may have been persuaded to pay a large sum of money ( perhaps hundreds or thousands of pounds ) for the privilege of joining .
3 ‘ That 's true , ’ Anne agreed , ‘ but I think he should have been made to suffer for the way others suffered through him .
4 He did not allow the revolution of 1917 to interfere with his contacts with Russian colleagues and it was appropriate that he should have been asked to supply the inscription for the sword presented by George VI to the people of Stalingrad .
5 According to Mr Paton 's plan he should have been left to die .
6 It was his misfortune to envisage every such encounter as a matter of life and death , though by now he should have been used to anticlimax , and to the survival and tenacity of both parties to fight another day .
7 In 1829 a convicted prisoner petitioned that he should have been allowed to free himself from a charge of robbery by rendering compensation .
8 Indeed , he might have been perturbed to think that I was diverting so much energy towards his defence ; but , so far as I know , he was ignorant of these interventions of mine , as I never showed him the letters or alluded to them .
9 He might have been tempted to say , it 's sort of a job by which he meant , it 's something that I have to do .
10 Again , he might have been tempted to land and feed , but he felt an urging to fly on , to travel far , as if today of all days he would begin to feel freedom at last .
11 But that pleasure was tinged with sadness because his mother , Joanna , is n't alive to see him in a role he might have been born to play .
12 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
13 Merckx was known as ‘ the cannibal ’ , so often did he scoop up the prizes , even in minor events when he might have been expected to allow minor or local riders to have their day .
14 He was reminded of his right of silence by being cautioned on two occasions within a short time of his arrival and , acting on the advice of his attorney , he remained silent when he might have been expected to explain that the shooting had been due to an accident .
15 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
16 The Army in their Heads of Proposals offered the King terms which he might have been expected to find much more acceptable .
17 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
18 He might have been persuaded to have them out here but he would not let them be any sort of nuisance , and she was well aware of it .
19 His own father had been a skilled mechanic ( a phrase which conveyed little to Clara ) and as he himself had managed to purchase by his own labours a three bedroomed semi-detached house in a pleasant suburban district , he might have been thought to have cause to feel fairly content with life .
20 I do n't think he could 've been insured do you ?
21 McIllvanney also kept a few power-cruisers of his own for charter , and his yard ran an efficient yacht-servicing and marine supplies business , and thus the boundaries between his operations and Cutwater Charters were necessarily blurred and , for all intents and purposes , he could have been said to run Cutwater .
22 He could have been forgiven had he waxed much more lyrical .
23 Thus , a director must account to the company for any commissions he receives on company contracts , because he receives them only by virtue of his position as a director , and he could have been induced to encourage the company to enter into a contract which is not in its best interest .
24 Lee 's spontaneous remark could have been followed by a suggestion that he tried to sort the vans from the other vehicles in the garage , or he could have been encouraged to watch vans travelling outside the school .
25 So near that , had he glanced sideways , he would have been bound to see her standing with Thomas .
26 The ground got steadily hillier , and here and there rock outcrops stood out which , had they not been so near to towns , he would have been tempted to investigate .
27 On the mantelpiece a Victorian whirligig soldier stands to attention — originally he would have been used to scare away birds in the garden .
28 Count 4 charged the offence of a bankrupt removing property contrary to section 354(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and alleged that on or about 23 March 1988 the appellant removed property , namely his interest in funds held jointly by himself and his wife amounting to £104,356.55 , possession of which he would have been required to deliver up to the official receiver or the trustee in bankruptcy .
29 The wise old heads believe that they would have prevailed and that he would have been forced to wait until the spring .
30 If Hazel had been a human being he would have been expected to introduce his companions one by one and no doubt each would have been taken in charge as a guest by one of their hosts .
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