Example sentences of "he [be] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His real crime is that he is suspected by the Radical Party and militant members of the ruling Socialists ( ex-communists ) of plotting with the army , of which he was the nominal head , to stage a coup .
2 People who will say to other people I know Jesus I know that he loves us , I know that he forgives us , I know that he is risen from the dead , and that the good news is that we will also rise from our own deaths .
3 • The identity of the Second Channel has been given as Ali Hashemi Bahranani , Rafsanjani 's nephew , He is kept as the Second Channel here , for simplicity 's sake .
4 In these vicissitudes he is supported by the cockney humour and sharpness of Sam Weller , ‘ boots ’ of the White Hart inn , whom he takes on as his servant .
5 He is rated in the top ten in the States .
6 He is rated among the best in the team in the papers , and my guess is that he gets a chance as striker in the next match against Costa Rica wednesday night .
7 He is regarded as the best English player in the league and is set to become the burgeoning sport 's first pin-up boy .
8 Dean scored almost 1200 runs in first-class matches at an average around 70 , and it was easy to see why he is regarded as the best one-day player in the world .
9 Sometimes problems arise from the fact that his relationship with his own mother has been unsatisfactory , and he is faced with the hard task of learning from scratch how to relate successfully to a woman of the older generation who has joined his household .
10 If he is bound by the judicial view in relation to the date of the first review for prisoners serving discretionary life sentences , he is also so bound in relation to those serving mandatory life sentences .
11 Soon he is befriended by the kindly German ‘ Doc ’ ( Armin Mueller-Stahl ) who is interned in the local prison And we see him taught to box and fend fro himself by a likeable petty thief ( Morgan Freeman ) .
12 Only Shotover , a Shavian figure seeking a ‘ mind ray ’ that will destroy his enemies , tries to unite wisdom and power ; and even he is revealed at the last as a rum-soaked old poseur .
13 Approach , ye sons of Wisdom , and rejoice : let us now rejoice together ; for the reign of death is finished and the son doth rule ; he is invested in the scarlet garment , and the purple is put on .
14 When I ask him how he feels he is viewed by the medical profession these days , he replies , ‘ I used to be seen as someone who was totally way-out .
15 He is based at the Low Barns Nature Reserve at Witton-le-Wear , near Bishop Auckland .
16 He is prepared for the paradoxical .
17 He is fascinated by the different programmes , awed by the machine 's speed and complexity .
18 He is seen as the only man who can keep the peace between those who want to slow the pace of reform and those who want to speed it up .
19 Some twenty minutes later , at about a quarter to five , he is seen on the third floor of the Polytechnique , in one of the corridors lined with student lockers , pressed against the wall and holding a long object in the green garbage bag , with a smaller white plastic bag by his side .
20 He is retained by the Daily Express and occasionally its diary editor will have dispatched him to cover a party or reception .
21 Whenever they gather in private , he is berated for the economic mess in which their political fortunes are floundering , although in public , as hon. Members know only too well , the fiction is resolutely maintained that Conservative economic policy has been a continuing success .
22 So he is caught between the two of them , embarrassed to welcome his guest and unable to say more on the phone .
23 In this way , should you be unable to attend at the last moment and he has to sit twiddling his thumbs in his consulting room because it is too late to give the appointment to anyone else , he is recompensed for the wasted time .
24 Though , for TV purposes , he is the star of its set-piece showbiz extravaganzas , and of carefully staged ‘ meet the people ’ events where he is surrounded by the Labour faithful , he has been , throughout the campaign , the most carefully guarded party leader in our electoral history .
25 Fired with enthusiasm for the new Europe on his return flight over the North Sea , Fuhrer Kinnock , as he is known in the German press , seemed more frustrated than ever at being out of office at such a momentous time .
26 More specifically , he is associated with the Davidic Messiah .
27 ‘ But you know already that he is held within the Dark Ireland and that he is captive in a deep and subtle enchantment .
28 He is held in the highest esteem by all who know him .
29 He finally succumbed to his malady while convalescing in France , where he is buried in the English churchyard at Nice .
30 Consequently he is shown as the Chief Lector and narrator of the drama and at the yearly performances of the play was impersonated by a priest .
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