Example sentences of "he [be] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you are addressing your senior manager will he be constantly interrupted by phone calls ?
2 NICHOLAS KEPT TELLING himself that he had never before done this — as if he were somehow engaged in research and thereby exonerated .
3 There was a long silence , as if he were so fixed in despair he could n't speak .
4 The quoted comments of the NCO are too short to indicate whether he might in fact justify his comments in this way , if he were personally accused of prejudice .
5 An RUC officer said : ‘ He is regularly stopped at road checks by our patrols .
6 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
7 Unlike his mother and father , who rarely make their presence felt on anything , he is not constrained by protocol .
8 Some fences can be deceiving from a distance , so the horse must be given clear aids as to what to expect so he is not taken by surprise .
9 confessed to having initially found ‘ prima facie perverse and incomprehensible ’ — was that a police officer is not acting in the execution of his duty if he is doing something that he is not compelled by law to do .
10 Playing for your province does n't count , but it has been practice that if a player is banned at club level , he is n't considered for selection at that time .
11 Khotan is drunk , when he is n't doped with hashish and , now that Nogai and his brothers are forbidden the Golden Pavilion , your father-in-law is courting everyone . ’
12 He is probably known as Champagne Tom in the office , always breaking open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate handing over a fortune to another punter .
13 the latest news on Ronny Johnsen is that he is also wanted at tottenham .
14 He is also charged with assault causing actual bodily harm to Alan Wilson and Gary Johnson on Sunday May 9 , after which Mr Whelan was taken to Walton Hospital , where he died six days later .
15 He is also charged with theft .
16 He is also accused of making of threats to kill on three occasions dating from 1990 .
17 The hero of Simon Gray 's comedy Otherwise Engaged ( 1975 ) , in similar fashion , only wants to be left alone to play his new recording of Wagner 's Parsifal , but he is successively interrupted by neighbour , brother and wife , who succeed in disturbing him and fail only to interest him .
18 He is now held in hospital in Safi .
19 … after the War the Army Graves Service were unable to locate his grave and he is therefore commemorated by name on the Thiepval Memorial , France , on which the names of the casualties from the Cameronians appear on Pier 4 , Panel D …
20 Robert says he is more settled at school but is having to work very hard this year .
21 He is still wanted for murder .
22 He is currently engaged in research studies on the social care of elderly people and the employment of older workers .
23 He is magnificently dressed in damask decorated with peacock feathers , and wears the Order of the Golden Fleece .
24 Rees thereupon complained to the European Commission of Human Rights that , by refusing to alter the recorded sex on his birth certificate , the United Kingdom , through its law , is depriving him of the legal status corresponding to his actual condition , to which he is rightfully entitled by Article 8 .
25 He is further charged with conspiracy with others to pervert the course of justice by allowing himself to be struck in the leg in order to support a false story that he was hit by the stolen car .
26 pearce is another overrated player — i cant see why he is always prefered for tony — yeah pearce is tough and shoots hard and is a fighting guy — — so what — — dorigo is a much more — international — type — coming forward more often and when in form seems to be a good friend with the ball …
27 He is lightly beaded with sweat .
28 This is one of the reasons why anyone who works for himself should make sure that he is fully covered by insurance providing for loss of earnings during a long-term illness , as well as insurance against the possibility that he might not be able to work again after such an illness .
29 I quite understand why he is somewhat mystified by consistency , with which he is not entirely comfortable or familiar .
30 Although Mr Cross has been making music since the early 80s , he 's best known for Ride Like the Wind and the theme tune to Dudley Moore 's film Arthur .
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