Example sentences of "he [verb] on the other [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And if he lived on the other side of the world she would think nothing of flying to meet him , she said .
2 He walked on the other side of the road .
3 There was a gulph [ sic ] between slavery and freedom which could neither be filled up nor closed over and across which the slave must leap ere he alighted on the other side and found himself a free man .
4 If John , apart from the important reference in Chapter 3 , which we shall consider later , avoids the term Kingdom of God , he does on the other hand lay more stress than the other three Gospels on Jesus as King of Israel ( Barrett 1960:346 ) .
5 Erm , what do you think he wrote on the other side of that bit of paper in front of you .
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