Example sentences of "he [verb] she [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Throwing back its bearskin cover , he lowered her carefully to the mattress and stood looking down at her .
2 But he laid her down on the horsehair sofa , and said Mrs Patten would not be in yet , and there was time ; and time there was , and what had happened last night was repeated , once and then again , until she , flushed and dishevelled , pulled down her dress , and said ‘ She is coming .
3 The light from the hall spilled across the multi-coloured counterpane , and he laid her gently in the middle .
4 He pinned her down at the CI5 computer centre , and over the phone briefly explained what he and Doyle needed of her .
5 He pecked her lightly on the cheek .
6 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
7 Apparently Richard thought so , too , for after a moment he led her away to the bar .
8 When he led her away down the back steps the Tibetan followed and so did most of the crowd .
9 He nodded , and reaching out for her hand , he led her through into the sitting-room and sat down with her on the settee opposite the picture .
10 He led her up to the bedrooms , the floors and stairs wooden , fans whirring overhead in the steamy heat , mosquito netting over every door and window .
11 Still gripping her wrist , he led her over to the French windows .
12 After he had taken two large brandies , very fast ( too fast for what looked like a very fine marque ) , he led her over to the sofa and sitting beside her , put his arm around her .
13 Still offering no explanation , he led her down to the riverbank and then the rest of the way back to the centre .
14 He led her back into the lounge and steered her to her chair .
15 He led her back into the bedroom and sat her on the chair while he rummaged in the chest .
16 But his reaction was difficult to define because he merely gave a small shrug and , taking Lucy 's hand , he led her back along the path , where the darkness continued to be broken by the moon 's rays filtering through the trees .
17 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer .
18 ‘ There are two sides to our operation , ’ he had explained , when he led her out of the office block and across a bleak enclosed courtyard , where footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow , towards a high windowless wall of corrugated iron .
19 He led her out of the bedroom and onto the terrace where Victoria was waiting .
20 He led her gently to the sofa and sat down with her , holding her hand .
21 When they arrived at the barn , he led her silently by the hand , through the living-room , and then up along the gallery to his bedroom .
22 When he got her on to the pavement , she sagged against the school wall and would not move .
23 He propelled her over to the sink and turned on the cold tap , holding her hand beneath it .
24 Fred breezed into the office , his lined face breaking into a disbelieving grin when he found her already behind the desk .
25 He regarded her steadily across the table .
26 Belov brought her some broth about an hour later , and he helped her up to the bowl .
27 She was shivering against him , and he helped her back to the fire and bundled her in his own bedroll ; but she kept her arms about him .
28 He moved her firmly towards the hatchway .
29 ‘ Nico , ’ she 'd sigh , as he drew her down to the sand , ‘ my Nico . ’
30 He bore her down to the carpet , his face hard against hers , one hand pulling up her skirts , and when she still struggled struck her a blow which left her half stunned on the floor , for him to do as he would with her .
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