Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She knew he cared , he showed it , but he would n't say the things she wanted to hear — that he cared for her to the exclusion of all others , and wanted her in his life to the exclusion of all others .
2 He winked at her like a cheery market tradesman selling substandard goods , already thinking of the lunch he had planned with an old colleague from the Manchester force .
3 He clung to her like a clammy spider , pulling her down beside him with unexpected strength .
4 It was he who after a particularly violent disagreement , suggested that Joan should be invited to pay them another visit — though he referred to her as the lady Anne , as had been agreed .
5 He stood up , and he towered above her like a golden figure in one of the hospital 's many paintings .
6 He proposed to her at the offices of Faber and Faber ; after she had accepted , he explained that he would have asked her much sooner if he had known her real feelings towards him , but she had been so formal with him that he was not even sure if she liked him — which , after eight years , suggests an odd insecurity or impercipience .
7 When he proposed to her on the last night I think she took him because , having been in her room for seven days , she 'd met nobody else and could n't bear to see her investment wasted . ’
8 He knelt beside her on the hearthrug .
9 He knelt over her for a moment , tough and handsome in the candlelight , his eyes triumphant with the knowledge of desire on the verge of fulfilment , possessing her as only he could , then he was bending , lifting her into his arms , carrying her across the room , and she felt the sudden chill as the door opened and , wedging it awkwardly with his foot , he bundled her through it .
10 Perhaps , thought Robert , as he trudged after her towards the iron gates , this was a signal for their lovemaking to become more decorous .
11 The door was slammed wide , and he came at her with the speed of the vehicle that should have killed him two nights before .
12 He came at her from the front then ? ’
13 As she joined him in the petit salon he came towards her with a prettily wrapped package in his hands .
14 He seemed to her like the kind of man who loved to provoke reaction .
15 He gapes at her for a moment , then chortles and slaps his thigh .
16 As he pulled away , he turned to her with a smile .
17 He turned to her with a searching expression , as if he suspected her of withholding something .
18 He turned from her with a casual wave of his hand and began making his way back towards the barn .
19 ‘ I 'll feel stronger a damn sight faster if I move around a bit , ’ he threw at her in a voice little better than a snarl .
20 When Adam had a document for Miranda to sign that he thought she might argue about , he always included it in a sheaf of other papers he handed to her at the end of the day , when she was exhausted .
21 After an early morning breakfast with Paula , he walked with her to the garage where the BMW was parked .
22 He walked with her to the door of the hall and watched her stepping it out across the square , her shoulders back , her head defiantly erect .
23 She led Midnight to a clear patch and then let him walk on the long rein , so that she stayed still and he walked round her in a circle at the end of the rein .
24 When he returned with her to the Judge 's House two hours later , he found Mrs Wood waiting outside it .
25 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
26 He grinned at her from a toothless mouth .
27 He stepped past her into the room , then turned to face her , his face set in uncompromising lines .
28 As she moved to push him away , he stepped with her into the lift , pressed the button for her floor , and , as the lift doors closed , he pulled her closer and aimed a kiss at her mouth .
29 He glanced at her with a great deal of arrogance .
30 Occasionally , he took his hand off the gear lever and reached out for hers , and sometimes he glanced towards her with a look so full of tenderness that she felt she could weep for joy .
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