Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 That is the implication of a very suggestive comment that he made at the time to Edgar Faure : " At certain periods there are some problems that have no solution . "
2 Defeated election candidate Paul Rayner has honoured a pledge he made during the campaign to members of Middlesbrough 's Muslim community by writing to the new Home Secretary with details of long delays experienced by would-be immigrants .
3 The points he made in an address to the Royal African Society in London in 1975 are worth summarizing here .
4 ‘ Well , Mr Carlton — ma'am , ’ he drawled with a nod to Christina , ‘ it seems we got a lickle problem here .
5 Robert Bevan , one of their number , had worked at Pont-Aven and had known Paul Gauguin , and Sickert , whose sympathy with France went deep , owned a house in Neuville , on the outskirts of Dieppe , which he lent for a time to the Gilmans .
6 The reader will find the delights he experienced in the introduction to Volume II dispersed throughout the pages of Volume III .
7 He planned for the church to be a community where people love each other in a way that is irresistibly attractive .
8 The tobacco weighed out into the two separate tins he passed over the counter to her , he said , ‘ That 'll be one and tuppence ha'penny , eh lass ? ’
9 Father Kipling stooped and said a few words to them as he passed into the sacristy to vest , and they turned round and looked at Clare .
10 As George Dionisovich and I were finally parting , he passed on a suggestion to Dimitri Likhachev and the USSR 's then Minister of Culture , Nikolai Gubenko , about concrete assistance for the establishment of the museum .
11 He hopped across the ditch to the farther bank and looked round him again .
12 He crept from the room to the shadowed corridor , tip-toed past the attic door to the little corner where the banister curved into the wall .
13 The Mayor of Whitby , Coun Maurice Hatton , will not be taking the official chain of office when he goes on a pilgrimage to the German town of Kleve on April 30 , because of its high value .
14 In 1903 he married Rosecleer Alice Amelia Blanche from Totnes , Devon , whom he met on the voyage to Australia .
15 Understandably nervous , and no doubt a little distracted and distraught both with his loved one 's untimely departure and that which he was planning for himself , he resorted without a thought to his habitual method of calming himself down , and lit a Marlboro .
16 Not all the crew was impressed with the wild beauty however , although Dave Scadding , my number one really fell in love with Scotland , so much so that he applied for a transfer to Kirkwall on our return to Southampton .
17 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
18 He asked for the divorce to be put off , which the King said was Mrs Simpson 's business , and he urged that she should go away for six months .
19 Mr Morris , whose own house suffered relatively little damage , said he realised the potential danger early on Thursday evening when he asked for the river to be kept clear of debris before the level grew too high .
20 His wages in 1780 were 20 shillings ( £1 ) a week and he asked for an increase to 2 guineas ( £2.10 ) a week .
21 Oswine 's power was clearly already weakening by January 690 for he refers in the grant to Abbess Aebbe at that time to those Kentish nobles who were able to be with him .
22 He frowned as he gazed down the road to where a black limo was parked .
23 Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick , sick so he phoned for the doctor to be quick , quick , he phoned for the doctor to be quick
24 Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick , sick so he phoned for the doctor to be quick , quick , he phoned for the doctor to be quick
25 Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick , sick , sick so he phoned for the doctor to be quick , quick , quick
26 I wan na do all of them on me own so he phoned for the doctor to be quick , quick , quick , said Miss Polly put her straight to bed he wrote on a paper for a pill , pill , pill
27 He broke into a trot as he headed up the path to the staff-cabins .
28 He moved around the table to her and as he moved he spoke slowly and meaningfully .
29 He may have found service under the Protectorate more congenial than that of the Commonwealth ; in 1653–4 he moved from the navy to the central executive , becoming assistant secretary and then clerk of Oliver Cromwell 's council and treasurer of the protector 's contingencies .
30 From there he moved in the mid-1950s to CalTech , where his interest in NMR spectroscopy arose .
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