Example sentences of "he [verb] [to-vb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Henry was going to add a chapter towards the end of The Complete History of Wimbledon in which he planned to deal with the failure of nerve he sensed in the place .
2 We got the Jet Ski onto its trailer but William 's Merc was one of the cars trapped on the slip ; he tried to reason with the BMW people , then sat in the car and sulked .
3 Spurs chairman Alan Sugar admitted contempt of court after allegations he tried to interfere with a witness in the High Court row over control of the soccer club .
4 The development of a form of representative democracy in the nineteenth century led Dicey to distinguish between legal sovereignty , which continued to reside with the triumvirate of the monarch , Lords , and Commons , and political sovereignty , which he deemed to rest with the electorate .
5 That is not Mr Lawson 's fault , of course , but he has to live with the danger that while the world 's capital markets will duly bridge the gap between Britain 's domestic savings and investment , they will only do so at a lower price for sterling .
6 Does not President Christiani of El Salvador deserve widespread support , bearing in mind the fact that he was elected by the people of that country and that he has to cope with the violence of unruly military officers and also the murderous activities of the Farabundi Marti Front for the Liberation of the Nation ?
7 He knows that he has to return with a deal , a scheme , a package that treats the scientific advice seriously but can also be swallowed by the industry .
8 Alan Fiers , 52 , who headed the CIA 's Central American Task Force in 1984-88 , reached a plea bargain arrangement with Walsh whereby he promised to co-operate with the investigation in return for pleading guilty to lesser charges .
9 He promised to help with the preparations for the party ! ’
10 Presumably , it is a truth he came to realise with the experience of Absolute Beginners behind him .
11 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what he plans to do with the aircraft taken from the front-line strength of the Royal Air Force under ’ Options for Change ’ .
12 He seemed to wake with a cry that was half a snort .
13 Swayne 's fingers continued busily , sorting his stamps into colourful little heaps ; he seemed to manage with the minimum of attention .
14 His voice had deepened , the words becoming more guttural as for the first time since she 'd met him he seemed to struggle with a language which was not his own .
15 While he was there he learnt to fly with the University Air Squadron and was in despair when , on the outbreak of war , the RAF initially turned him down on medical grounds .
16 He refuses to treat with the men of Bernicia , for Eadwine is a too deceitful leader .
17 Somehow , he forgot to deal with the allegation that the Prime Minister 's stay in Candelada gave the ‘ mark of approbation ’ to the animal abuse .
18 He prefers to end with the words :
19 How often , I wondered , had he had to deal with the likes of Sheridan ?
20 ‘ But what 's he got to do with the letter ? ’
21 I jogged down the stairs while he began to argue with the builders .
22 Then , abruptly , his gaze lowered , and he began to fiddle with a knife .
23 He began to fiddle with the hat , made to put it on and then changed his mind .
24 At the beginning of his second term he started to deal with the problem by introducing people loyal to the administration at strategic levels throughout the departments .
25 Mr Clerides , who beat incumbent George Vassiliou with a narrow majority of 1,998 votes in Sunday 's election , said that before he could go to the peace talks in New York he needed to consult with the Cypriot and Greek political leadership .
26 He decided to deal with the problem in a way which imported a substantial element of farce into the overcharged atmosphere , although his object was not to provide light relief .
27 He decided to dispense with the goodlooking , personable high-achiever destined to succeed and instead back the incumbent of this space .
28 Look , Preston , if I understand my client correctly , you are the man he permitted to visit with a Miss Fraser ? ’
29 Likewise he knew to take with a pinch of salt the recruiting officer 's : " We will get TSA membership .
30 The net effect was the end of the Class 25 and 27 , and a remarkable stack of over thirty asbestos-contaminated loco bodies piled high in Vic Berry 's Leicester scrapyard as he struggled to cope with the influx .
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