Example sentences of "he [verb] [to-vb] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The committee decided not to summon him , according to Chaplin , when they heard he planned to appear in the costume , boots and battered bowler of the Chaplin tramp .
2 In fact , de Valera and the civil servants he appointed to assist in the work , consulted Irish theologians on matters of society and church — state relations ( Longford and O'Neill 1970 : 295–6 ; Whyte 1980 : 379 ; Keogh 1987 ; Faughnan 1988 ) .
3 In 1825 and 1827 Hill founded , successively , continuing local associations of the Church Missionary Society and of the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews , effectively advancing each as its active secretary until he ceased to reside in the university .
4 He held the office until his death although he ceased to officiate in the House of Lords at the dissolution of Parliament in March 1629 .
5 8 a ) That he tried to live in an ivory tower .
6 Nathan was a simpleton : fat-faced and cretinous , with a drooly mouth and a silly smile , and when he tried to join in the hymns he made a terrible braying noise because he was turning into a man much too early .
7 Chiang tried to escape by running up the mountain , and a pavilion has been built to mark the place where he tried to hide in a crevice before he was caught .
8 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
9 once he starts to specify in a contract document , what we are pricing for , then we 've got an immediate , okay , we 've done this for you and this is
10 But it 's the nature of the offence as such that if a soldier is bullied , he 's unlikely if he wants to stay in the Army , to bring it to the attention of the authorities , because he know that afterwards he has then to live with the people who he 's complained about .
11 It could be a good indicator for the Deep South where Bush must make an impact if he wants to stay in the race .
12 If he wants to stay in the race he may have no alternative but to abandon his original proposal and announce a rival offer on improved terms .
13 He wants to ride in a Mercedes .
14 Cathy was in the little office and he came to stand in the doorway .
15 The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in a clump of sage .
16 Perhaps he was more specific , speaking of what he usually saw when he came to work in the morning — Eva in her blue silk pyjamas and red robe shouting and laughing and giving orders to me for breakfast , and reading aloud from the papers .
17 Bring fully into the consciousness of your patient that particular lift of his mother 's eyebrows which he learnt to dislike in the nursery and let him think how he dislikes it .
18 In Scotland , after Dalmahoy , he intends to play in the Clydesdale Bank Northern Open at Nairn Dunbar in June and the Gore-Tex Challenge at Cawder in August .
19 He seems to have enjoyed the patronage of influential people , who probably subsidized the books he began to publish in the Armada year of 1588 .
20 After a time he began to whisper in a voice that tried now to be soft and gentle , in complete contrast to his alarm calls : ‘ Come on , Minch , you ca n't really be so ill that you ca n't show me your face just for a moment , or let me hear the ruffle of one of your wings .
21 He began to speak in a man to man voice .
22 Then he began to tumble in the air and reality took over .
23 His logical mind lent itself superbly to maths and he began to excel in the subject .
24 ‘ Then he started to dance in the car doing an impression of me — I think . ’
25 Eventually , he decided to continue in the role of co-skipper with the American , Skip Novak .
26 he decided to stay in the room and watch ,
27 In Cézanne 's case this was because at first he struggled to compose in the Renaissance manner , and did it badly .
28 passenger , the driver 's brother , knew vehicle was uninsured. he consented to ride in the vehicle when , with another , he and the driver set out on a night 's drinking .
29 He said he hopes to live in the building himself .
30 Eventually he managed to sit in a chair unaided and began to attend the hospital school , where he operated a computer with a mouth-held drumstick .
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