Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Slipping the bit out of Daisy 's mouth , he led her by the halter to a gap in the belt of trees which clothed the river bank .
2 He led her by the hand into his mother 's kitchen .
3 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
4 He holds you by the voice of his demands ,
5 He drew her by the wrist off the bed , and went back into his own chamber .
6 He caught him by the shirt .
7 He caught her by the waist , in a half rugby tackle , lifted her up , spun her around and in one fell swoop had hoisted her on to his shoulders even before she realised what was happening .
8 She would have run past him , but he caught her by the elbow .
9 His intense irritation with his distant superiors transferred itself with an illogical rush to the silent girl , and he caught her by the arm .
10 His gaze swept lazily over her , making her squirm , then with one swift movement he caught her by the wrist , pulling her so abruptly towards him that she stumbled , caught off balance .
11 He grasped me by the shoulder .
12 If they do so he grabs them by the neck and hauls them back to the fold .
13 Or he grabs him by the hair , drags back the head , makes the first deep cut .
14 I and my new friend then went to Ku where he took another 15,000 pesetas off me — the price had gone up , he said — and he parked me by the dance-floor and said he 'd be back in five minutes .
15 And he shook me by the throat
16 He smelt of good-quality eau de toilette , his grasp firm as he shook them by the hand and strode ahead , waving the nanny and his young son towards the sitting-room .
17 Recording a verdict that he killed himself by an overdose Liverpool coroner Roy Barter said : ‘ He had been complaining of anxiety and obviously felt vulnerable before Christmas . ’
18 Developer conferences these days seem to harbour a deep-seated resentment of Microsoft and , unfortunately , Allchin is not the most charismatic senior executive that Microsoft could have fielded — frankly he killed himself by an overlong demo ( and let us not forget that Gates himself is probably the only competitor to Jobs ’ title of demo king ) that crashed a couple of times .
19 At times he felt tender and protective towards her , but sometimes he surprised himself by the hatred he felt for her , because she was healthy and free and had no need of him .
20 HAMLET , with his doublet all unbraced , no hat upon his head , his stockings fouled , ungartered and down-gyred to his ankle , pale as his shirt , his knees knocking each other … and with a look so piteous , he takes her by the wrist and holds her hard , then he goes to the length of his arm , and with his other hand over his brow , falls to such perusal of her face as he would draw it …
21 He pulled her by the hand through the crowded kitchen and hall and over the bodies on the stairs .
22 Finally he grabbed him by the collar , and with a spasmodic effort tipped him off the wharf into the canal .
23 He grabbed me by the arm .
24 He grabbed me by the throat and began throttling me , all the while demanding her address .
25 He grabbed her by the arm , and she winced as his fingers dug cruelly into her tender flesh .
26 He grabbed her by the throat and threatened to kick her .
27 Pascoe 's colour rose and he shocked her by the vehemence of his refusal .
28 To Finlayson 's surprise , he took him by the elbow and steered him , quite gently , to the door .
29 When Gebrec approached , he took him by the arm and murmured something which Melissa took to be a mild reproof .
30 He tapped her on the shoulder-Excuse me — and when she turned he took her by the wrist and round the waist , holding her close , whisking her on to the floor .
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