Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [verb] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Not only has Mellor lost the cherished Cabinet post that thrust him to the forefront of British politics , but he has also waved goodbye to the Heritage Secretary 's salary of £63,047 .
2 He has consistently refused calls to military service because his religious beliefs forbid him to bear arms for a secular power or swear on oath of military allegiance .
3 Although he has often made references to this in his writings , he developed his argument more fully whilst a member of the Peacock Committee .
4 He went on to pay tribute to the ANC president , Oliver Tambo ( currently recovering in Sweden from a stroke ) , to the rank and file members of the organization , to the fighters of Umkhonto we Sizwe ( the ANC 's armed wing ) , and to the SACP " for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy " .
5 Nothing is known of his education except that he did not lay claim to any degree .
6 By the autumn , however , the Russians , through their ambassador in Istanbul , Andrei Italinskii , began to threaten the sultan that if he did not make concessions to the Serbs they would intervene to enforce the disputed Article VIII of the Treaty of Bucharest ( see above , p. 81 ) .
7 Failure to bring about the defection would mean certain imprisonment , possibly death , for if he did not bring matters to a successful conclusion , Manville and his colleagues would not make the slightest attempt to help him .
8 But he did not admit defeat to the extent of turning the television off ; he simply left it on and went into another room .
9 Mair , for example , in his study of sentencing in West Yorkshire magistrates ' courts found quite small differences between the race groups in sentences , but he did not incorporate committals to the Crown Court for sentence or for trial .
10 He did not seek re-election to the Parliament of 1685 and supported the Revolution of 1688 , subscribing money to the new regime .
11 ‘ I forgot the hour , ’ he added , and when Fabia , glancing at her watch , saw that , incredibly , it was getting on for three , she realised that when Ven was working it must be that he did n't give thought to food .
12 ‘ You ca n't pretend he 's normal and it 's no secret that he did n't see eye to eye with Alain . ’
13 As Duchess of Aquitaine she had inherited the ducal claim to Toulouse , but at Limoges Raymond had not only done homage to the Dukes of Aquitaine , he had also done homage to the Young King .
14 In March 1991 , a bank as unpaid mortgagee had taken possession of the debtor 's business premises and he had not had access to them since that date .
15 On Feb. 26 the Chief Prosecutor announced that charges of diversion of public funds against Honecker were being dropped since he had not had access to an account holding money paid by West Germany to buy the freedom of East German political prisoners .
16 He had not expected Rain to be there and definitely expected her to leave before he did .
17 He had not expected Wang to be so upset , so patently indignant .
18 He had not expected Eleanor to beard his lodgings in Earls Court , especially as he had given Mrs Avery the same instructions about visitors as he had given Nurse Goodman .
19 A more general indication of his interests is given by the catalogue of his library , which he drew up in 1632 , when he had just moved house to Long Acre , Covent Garden .
20 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
21 He had previously made visits to Egypt and the Holy Land and undertaken several walking and painting tours in the Alps with his wife .
22 He spent November at Roxburgh , where he issued letters patent in which he recognized Edward III as lord superior of Scotland and declared that he had already done homage to Edward , in return for which Edward had agreed to maintain and protect him and his heirs in the kingdom .
23 Finn still treated her gently , if absently , kissing her goodnight ; but as if he had already said good-bye to her , somewhere else .
24 In 1516 he was associated with Vertue in designing new works at Eton College , the west range and Lupton 's tower , but early in 1515 he had already become architect to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey [ q.v. ]
25 From the gallery , the feverish gaze of Diniz Vasquez held no recognition ; but still he had n't touched fire to his weapon .
26 He had n't put pen to paper since the day before Martin died , and he doubted if he would ever do so again .
27 The evening before he had procured from the local library a copy of Gerald Seymour-Strachey 's essay in autobiography , but a quick flick through the index had assured him there was no mention of Walter Machin , and he had n't had time to bone up on the details of the man himself 's career .
28 He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle .
29 With the exception of his mother , he had never played second-fiddle to anyone .
30 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
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