Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He asked her to go into the fo'c's'le and as soon as she was inside closed the hatch and said that she could come out when she was ready to apologise .
2 He asked me to sort through the files and see if I could come up with something to make life easier . ’
3 He asked me to bring over the wedding invitation …
4 He asked us to stay by the door while he walked a short way down his garden .
5 Another time he got us to lie on the floor with our legs in the air .
6 He invited him to come into the cottage out of the wet .
7 And he invited him to come to the Mayday parade to see for himself .
8 it was supposed to be a normal meeting but he changed it to talk about the cuts you know the
9 He wants them to share in the excitement of an excellent revenue week .
10 He wants ideas , new possibilities , experiments , and he wants me to talk to the actors .
11 Rachel cheers me up by saying she was leaving anyhow , and if he wants her to pay for the night then she will and to hell with it .
12 Ask the Father which passage(s) he wants you to read in the Bible .
13 For Bernstein , this is to experience the music at second hand ; he wants us to live through the emotional upheaval rather than be merely aware of its implications .
14 He told her to look in the table drawer in the living-room — he thought there might be a spare drying-up cloth in it .
15 He told them to go amongst the people of the land and offer them their service , to defend Minginish instead of conquering it ; for the most earth a man ever needs is what is piled in his grave .
16 When I caught up with Jean-Claude , he told me to return to the cottage alone .
17 And there , the tailor , he 'd been trained in the war , and he he only had one la leg , and he seemed very nice , but er he told me to start on the Monday and then I got a letter .
18 He told me to look across the moor to a place which was a bright green colour .
19 He told me to write with the head , and not with the heart .
20 He told me to stay in the house — not to go out . ’
21 Then he told us to go into the hospital where the nurse would show us what to do .
22 He told us to sit by the fire .
23 ‘ My guess is they came for some of Connie Fraser 's clothes , found the place upside down and me on the floor , then when they reported to Bonanza he told 'em to forget about the clothes . ’
24 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
25 He said , it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police told her when you come back we 'll have all this typed out , your statement but we 'll need you to sign so tell the coach driver to stay at , stop at the police station for you to sign it and I , I said to her , how , how did you manage to stop that boy ?
26 He advised me to go to the Academy and work with Professor Dachauer .
27 Frequently he would stop on his walk around the teams on a Sunday , and at least on one occasion he advised me to break from the scrum more often ( in those days airmen scrum-halfs played to orders ) .
28 Rather than treat the indenting of the first line of a paragraph as simply some cosmetic device , as Longacre ( 1979 ) does , we might look upon it as an indication by a writer of what he intends us to treat as the beginning of a new part of his text .
29 He allowed her to claim against the Huntingdon Health Authority responsible for the hospital where the operation was performed in December 1982 .
30 When we got to the market , for the first time he allowed me to bargain with the dealers .
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