Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He threaded it through the bunkers into the heart of the green .
2 He aligned himself with the workers , the rebels at the barricades , with Zola and Michelet and the students of 1848 .
3 He once caught a pigeon , but it was mostly sparrows so small that , when he laid them on the embers to cook , they were ready by the time the feathers had singed and were hardly worth even sharing , except with the twins who insisted .
4 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
5 He passed her on the stairs .
6 When he sold them around the pubs and to neighbours that evening , the money would subsidise his meagre pension .
7 He met them at the gates of the airfield ( still a debris of contractors ' equipment surrounded by barbed wire ) and informed them gravely that if they entered — no difficult matter — they would be breaking the law .
8 He restoreth my soul : he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name 's sake .
9 ‘ What 's — the matter this morning ? ’ she said , in the voice she had used when he asked her for an off-games note .
10 Gradually , he led her through the centuries to later years , years that brought about the attempt to overthrow the Faith by the English under Henry , and of the increasingly repressive measures that had been taken by the Lord Deputies under Elizabeth in the last fifteen years .
11 And so saying , he led me over the fields to his childhood home .
12 And he led me towards the hills
13 He led us past the remains of the Young Eea , a copse of blackened and dead trees , planted some 150 years ago , but drowned when the land was inundated with water .
14 He got it from the boys instead .
15 I mean , he sell anything in the clothes line , anything .
16 He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfields , and soon we were good friends .
17 She cried out as he caught her by the shoulders .
18 He grasped her by the shoulders , his fingers biting in , through the thinness of her top .
19 He approached me in the Limes Club in Sheffield and said if I signed with him , he would fill my book and raise my fee — a promise which he fulfilled .
20 The fisherman was so shocked that he let the body slip back into the water and , though he reported it to the police , no action was taken by them .
21 But because he accepts something from the philosophers ' view , a view which leads to scepticism , he himself runs the risk of it .
22 He says none of the parties can afford to ignore the fact that thousands of people die of starvation each week .
23 Yeah , he played it in the Witches
24 Only Ember cared enough to come and talk to her ; from what he told her of the others , both the towered and the plain , she was glad .
25 He told her about the fairies who lived in the holes on the river bank , and how Billy was half leprechaun .
26 When he told her about the children at Dovercourt she and a friend went along to help in teaching English .
27 He told them about the oranges and bananas that grow in Aula and the quantities of milk and curd , and then about the monkeys that hop around and eat the crops .
28 However , when he surrenders himself to the moods and atmospheres of the hills , something authentic comes through :
29 He bundled her down the stairs and set off through the rain at a cracking pace .
30 Or perhaps it could be the heart-stopping finale where they finally , sorry , break the ice , and after a quick peckeroo execute the near impossible Pamchenko manoeuvre ( basically he grabs her by the feet and spins her in increasing circles , and she prays he does n't let go ) .
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