Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In The German Ideology Marx had used Tacitus as his source for tribal German society , but by the time of Formen he became influenced by the nationalist and romantic nineteenth-century tradition of German historiography , a tradition which was to influence him even more later on , and which was to have a dramatic and harmful effect on Engels .
2 Though lithographs by Minton are few in number , he became fascinated by the medium , and on 24 November 1948 took part in a Third Programme broadcast on the subject , timed to coincide with the Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition , ‘ 150 Years of Lithography ’ .
3 When Paul was encouraged at Corinth by the fellowship of Priscilla and Aquila we read that he became gripped by the Word ( 18:5 ) .
4 Here , and again in London as resident scenic artist for the Grand Opera Syndicate at Covent Garden , he became frustrated by the conservatism of management with regard to production and scenery , and returned to America after the outbreak of war in 1914 , having been rejected for military service because of deafness .
5 He got beaten by a shot by Kel Nagle .
6 Would he ever have got to the Olympics if every time he went to train at his local track he got swamped by the waste from a few thousand local toilets ?
7 From the handgrip he found lying by the door , he pulled out his lightweight kimono and put in on .
8 He moved to stand by the door , his head an inch from the wood .
9 ‘ 3(1) Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation , and this includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner .
10 ‘ 3(1) Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation , and this includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner .
11 This result is probably implicit in the concept of appropriation ( or ‘ conversion ’ ) ; but it is made explicit by the provision in clause 3(1) that a person 's assumption of the rights of an owner ‘ includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner . ’
12 He has come by the property without stealing it and has later assumed a right to it by keeping it .
13 And he said it was n't his fault , he , he told to do by the script writers , but I mean it 's to make out that he had no right to , it 's ridiculous .
14 He came to squat by the fire , holding out his hands to the warmth .
15 Maybe he get maybe he gets hit by a truck into a lake and drowns .
16 Okay , Jesus is the Son of God , poor old Joseph is just a kind of surrogate father erm , you know like a test-tube baby father actually test tube er is er is like you know er a complete surrogate father er for God erm they 're threatened by Herod so they have to flee to Egypt and er then they come back and eventually Jesus realizes who he is and after a long struggle with good and evil , temptation at the desert , crucifixion and God knows what , erm off he goes back to you know , sitting up there on the right hand of God saying you know I 'm the Son of God which he is , so Oedipus , Oedipus is expelled by his parents , there 's a prophecy he will murder his father and marry his mother , so they get rid of him , but he does n't die , he gets found by a shepherd , brought up by a shepherd .
17 The existence of ( b ) and ( c ) he thought proved by the presence of some biblical texts where the literal sense seemed absurd or contradictory ; such texts must have been placed there as signposts to a spiritual allegorical exegesis .
18 Rushdie is working on a new novel , The Moor 's Last Sigh ( Cape ) , which he hopes to finish by the end of the year .
19 In May he went to convalesce by the seaside , near Littlehampton , and on Ms return he stayed at home for another month , attempting only light work : all important social and public engagements were cancelled until the autumn .
20 Alone , he went to stand by the window , looking out .
21 In 1834 he resigned his office because he felt slighted by the ministry ( another Irish peer , the second Marquess Conyngham , having been appointed postmaster-general ) .
22 He looked baffled by the revelation .
23 Oh he , he did n't come over by , oh he did come by the quarry .
24 During this time he had remained by the door , his expressionless gaze following her every move .
25 ‘ Oh , quite a lot , ’ said Jean , who found it rather hard to explain the number of duels , pursuits on horseback , quick changes of identity and narrow escapes from the authorities he had experienced by the age of twenty-four .
26 Even in such an early case as Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 the plaintiffs abandoned a claim based on an express restraint because , as Lord Atkinson said , the clause prevented the defendant using " … in the service of some other employer that skill and knowledge which he had acquired by the exercise of his own mental faculties on what he had seen , heard , and had experience of in … employment … " ( see also Leng ( Sir WC ) & Co Ltd v Andrews [ 1909 ] 1 Ch 763 where it was held , inter alia , that the defendant was entitled to use his acquired skill and knowledge for the benefit of himself and the benefit of the public who gained the advantage of him having had such admirable instruction ) .
27 Then , putting on his cold pyjamas , he had knelt by the bed .
28 There was much disenchantment with the policies of the past ; he had won by a landslide in the Electoral College ; his party controlled the Senate ; he had run ahead of quite a few southern Democrats in the House and he was clearly an exceptional performer on television .
29 Precisely when and in what circumstances Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands is not entirely clear , though both Ibn Hajar and Taskopruzade assert that he had returned by the time he went on the pilgrimage in 822/1419 .
30 George Waldron , the MP for Buckingham , says he 's shocked by the loss of 250 jobs at the Westcote Rocket Research Plant .
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