Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , he planned to return to the project and , in 1978 , funded by the National Endowment for Humanities , the documentation entered its final phase .
2 He avoided going to the prize-giving so that he would n't have to meet her .
3 Oh aye he applied to go to the Gulf .
4 He was given a scan at the hospital 's radiology department and once his treatment was finished he asked to go to the toilet .
5 ‘ First he asked to go to the toilet .
6 Suddenly , at the Central Committee meeting in November , he failed to respond to the criticisms levelled at his ministry for failure to meet plan targets in the standard manner , neither would he take the blame for the strike at Motru .
7 Some parasites of insect eggs , for instance , can stop a small population of pests from increasing , so application of a pesticide has to he timed according to the number of the larvae of the pests rather than the number of their eggs .
8 One example may illustrate the nature of these awards : Michael Burn , who crossed the docks alone , had barely got ashore , being half-drowned by the weight of his equipment as he tried to swim to the dockside , and being rescued by Lance-Corporal Young .
9 A paying guest was killed when he tried to get to the bar on the first floor by an emergency staircase .
10 Nor had he wished to descend to the level of bureaucracy : he had hoped to succeed as a violinist , but lack of money ( and perhaps some want of talent , to which he did not admit ) had stood in his way .
11 Bemused by what was happening he moved to go to the bathroom , and was immediately grabbed by two police officers .
12 I fully agree with my noble and learned friend 's observation that the dictum in Morris has led to confusion and complication where those in de facto control have been charged with theft from a company and I , too , consider , on the basis ( which he assumes only for the sake of argument ) that the Morris dictum is correct , that it would be wrong , when a person who by virtue of his position in the company constitutes ‘ the directing mind and will of the company ’ is accused of stealing from the company , to acquit that person on the ground that , in his capacity as the company , he has consented to the taking ( by himself ) of the company 's property , with the result that no appropriation , and therefore no theft , has occurred .
13 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is a regular human being with knobs on , midway through our interview , midway through an answer , just as he 's about to take a swig of his double decaff coffee with lemon on the side , he announces that he has to go to the toilet .
14 So , moving on to another requirement of this law , which states that ‘ When a penalty kick is taken the following shall apply : ( a ) The kick must be taken without undue delay ; ( b ) the kick must be taken at or behind the mark on a line through the mark ; ( c ) The kicker may kick the ball in any direction and he may play the ball again , without any restriction except if he has indicated to the referee that he intends to attempt a kick for goal ’ .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what response he has made to the complaints he has received about measurements relating to the head of a pint of beer in the current year .
16 It could be said the key to his personality and the contribution which he has made to the diocese of Middlesbrough as Bishop is unfolded in an eloquent way by the new Cathedral which he caused to be built .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent representations he has made to the Government of Yugoslavia on the situation of the Albanian population in that country ; and if he will make a statement .
18 er , we have a choice the resolution before us , endorse the action taken by the provincial treasurer in the level of commitment he has made to the MMF fund in nineteen ninety three on behalf of the .
19 in the level of commitment he has made to the MMF fund of nineteen ninety three on behalf of the provence and we now know that that 's a commitment , was a commitment of a nought percent increase .
20 Despite the major differences between the Conservative party and the Ulster Unionist party following the imposition by the Conservative party of the Anglo-Irish Agreement and partial Dublin rule through Stormont , will the Minister accept on a personal level that there is widespread respect throughout Northern Ireland for the contribution that he has made to the rejuvenation of Royal avenue in our capital city of Belfast ?
21 He told us that he has written to the officer in charge of his interrogation : ‘ Since we met , I have met something new — these four things , absolute honesty , purity , unselfishness and love .
22 He has pointed to the difference between the treatment of offenders in Scotland and England , and said that the Scots do not imprison defaulters following their acceptance of the Scottish Law Commission 's report , which recommended that civil imprisonment for the non-payment of rates and taxes should be abolished .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what offer of assistance he has given to the member states of the former Soviet Union to assist in establishing defence hot-lines .
24 BISHOP JOHN CROWLEY writes of Bishop Harris : With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
25 With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
26 The risen Christ carries on his teaching work through the Spirit whom he has given to the Church .
27 May I thank my honourable friend for that extremely helpful reply and for the encouraging figures which he has given to the house this afternoon .
28 Yesterday , chairman of the council , Phyll Hendy , said : ‘ He has been unswerving in the service he has given to the parish and has been kind and co-operative to everyone .
29 As he was led away from the dock by prison officer , a woman in the public gallery shouted ‘ He deserves to be hanged for what he has done to the children . ’
30 There is a definite sense that Ulysses is above the cynicism and sourness , even if he has to descend to the level of the other warriors to convince them of his ideas .
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