Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 In the early studies we chose to look at them twenty-four hours after training on the grounds that any structural change would take time to build up , ; more recently he has pushed the earliest time at which changes can be found back to as little as an hour after the bird pecks the bead .
2 He has had a sad time looking for work in London and intends to go back to the North-East with his parents as soon as possible , ’ said David Martin , defending .
3 A man gets tired of his business and his family , and he wants to have a good time .
4 He 'd gone the last time , he reminded her , because of Lowell 's hands — well , partly .
5 He 'd realized a long time ago that he 'd married a woman who cuddled complete strangers in the street and probably had a season ticket for West Ham in her handbag .
6 He 'd spent a long time twisting bits of wire together and finding a safe way to steal electricity from the fusebox .
7 In fact , rather better than he 'd seemed the last time I 'd seen him .
8 Besides , he 'd learned a long time before that you can love a person without loving what they do .
9 So he decided to waste no more time , and thrust the trapdoor up and back with his shoulders .
10 They were the same colours-the same jewels — as those he had worn the first time they had met .
11 But the poem of his that he most needed reassurance about was Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) , and for that he had to wait a long time .
12 For a split second he experienced that same numbing fear he had felt the first time he had come under enemy fire .
13 Tsu Ma knelt down and held his shoulders , nodding , remembering how he had felt the first time he had seen the ritual , not then knowing what was happening , nor why .
14 The door opened quietly ; and stepping into the kitchen , as he had stepped a thousand times before , came Jake .
15 These hijras are very bad and very dirty ladies , ’ he had said the first time I tried to give Razia a lift in his car .
16 Even more so than he had done the previous time , I said did n't you hear this about this at the station meeting and he said it had n't been brought up .
17 It was Li Yuan 's horse ; the horse he had ridden the last time he had come .
18 Then , there was a description of the child 's functioning : he had taken a long time to settle into school , e.g. routine and order of the class .
19 Lance Percival was in the audience the night that Ken descended on the stage from a rope , curled up his lips , flared his nostrils and in the snide voice he had used a hundred times in the Hancock shows slipped in a ‘ Hello ’ that had the Williams fans rolling .
20 When he was satisfied no fresh threat was about to manifest itself from the darkness , he moved off back the way he had come , retracing his steps until he reached the shallow stream he had leapt a short time before .
21 START number 13 proved unlucky for American skier A J Kitt , with the season 's first World Cup downhill at Val d'Isere abandoned due to bad weather after he had set the best time .
22 When he had tried a third time , the headmaster had made some slightly menacing remarks about brotherhood and commitment .
23 It was a book he had read a dozen times in his life ; each time with greater understanding and a growing satisfaction .
24 And if Jesus was around today he would be going to the places that you and I would think twice about going to , not because he wanted to have a good time , but because he wanted to relate to the people who were there .
25 If he fails to attend a second time the judge has power to commit him to prison for contempt of court .
26 Just put Webby on the right-hand side of midfield and put little Gary Crosby up the middle where he 's played a few times for Forest .
27 I know he 's had a long time out with injury but he must be all right now or he would n't be playing . ’
28 BRIAN HALL : ‘ At that particular moment in time we have a manager that has got himself into the semi-final of the FA Cup , he 's got the opportunity of reaching Wembley , he 's had a difficult time in the League , it 's been a traumatic season okay , then he 's told he needs triple by-pass surgery at the age of 39 .
29 David 's been a really good friend to me , and he 's had a tough time because of it .
30 ‘ We do n't always see eye to eye , ’ Marler reflected , blowing smoke circles , ‘ Newman and I. But he 's had a tough time , I 'll give him that . ’
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