Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A consultant should be able to help you because , unlike you , he has faced the same problems elsewhere , ’ he said .
2 For if he did not assume that " mind " is an exclusive property of the observer , he would have to suppose that the stuff he observes possesses the same qualities of imagination as he claims for himself .
3 His model and hero was his neighbour Mustafa Kenal Ataturk ; he strove to implement the same reforms in Iran as were being achieved in Turkey .
4 ‘ You and he seem to share the same ideas !
5 Even if he had used the same words , his non verbal communication in the two situations would have conveyed a very different attitude .
6 He had worked the same hours , on the same farm for nine years but he was paid as a casual labourer , and so had no right to a pension , to notice pay — not even to the right of appeal .
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