Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 23 former Vice-President Oginga Odinga announced that he planned to set up a political party , saying that an open political process was necessary to wipe out " political hooliganism and thuggery " .
2 Gould would also be reunited with Natty and Jemmy , who he planned to take on the Namoi expedition .
3 I can even remember when Finnegans Wake was thought to be incomprehensible and the gentleman sitting on my right , George Craig , is almost , but not quite , my contemporary at this university and I was genuinely delighted when he agreed to take on the herculean task of giving a lecture a centenary lecture on James Joyce .
4 Prosecution witness Isham Chandra Dutta said he agreed to set up a dummy gems company in Bombay , for a £20,000 fee , which included a mail message centre with false letterheads and invoices .
5 True to his belief in the efficacy of competition , he avoided building up an extensive chain of outlets , and preferred to thrive by vigorous marketing .
6 His predecessor made two cardinal mistakes , replied Mr Kravchuk : he formed a political alliance with Russia , and he failed to build up an independent army .
7 Whenever he tried to go home the old woman would throw a magic ball of thread into his boat and draw him back to shore .
8 Another request was made by the NVALA that Thorsen should not be admitted to the country , and he was indeed excluded ‘ on the grounds that [ his ] exclusion [ was ] conducive to the public good ’ , when he tried to enter early the following year .
9 Amanullah had been influenced by what he saw as the modernising reforms introduced in Turkey and Iran : he tried to build up a central army , organised a parliament , and decreed that women should wear western dress : the final straw for the tribes came when he made their leaders listen to a five-day speech .
10 Sitting behind the wheel of the Lagonda , he tried to understand why the old man had discouraged him .
11 He tried to break down the father-role position doctors held , so the patients could feel more relaxed and see him almost as an equal .
12 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
13 As the sells his beers to the free trade and to national brewers ' pubs he has noticed both the swingeing price increases imposed by the brewing giants and the reaction among their tenants .
14 He has built up a strong , ecumenical team of Christians and Hindus which is unusual for a centre of this kind .
15 During his search for parts he has built up a colossal spares stock , but as the type has been used by so many air forces around the world and is still in service in places , components are not difficult to obtain — although they can be pricey .
16 He has built up an extensive wine list in close co-operation with Peter Davenport , and is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about it .
17 So far he has tracked down the chemical 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid .
18 He has turned away the glorious light of his countenance — or maybe the traffic fumes have got in the way , or maybe he 's turned off the telly because of the charismatics . ’
19 In his 33 games , he has called up a staggering 76 players and used 56 of them .
20 After he has killed off the whole lot of them in various ways , he shouts in triumph , ‘ Jesus , I got 'em all ! ’
21 Using traditional measures of religiosity , he has pointed out the apparent failure of English catholic schools to produce better catholics and fewer ex-catholics than state or other schools , and has inferred the likelihood of the same for Irish schools .
22 He has converted quite a few to Utopianism .
23 He has come back a wiser player and he will add drive to the team . ’
24 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
25 If amendment ( a ) is not carried , the Minister can not say that he has brought forward the new clause as a concession to the Opposition .
26 He has taken up the priestly tasks of his father , ’ she says .
27 To prove his point he has taken on the legal profession and , with no legal training whatsoever , tied judges in such knots they have overruled each other .
28 In his day he has taken on the big guns of industry , commercialised culture and of whole countries ( who can easily forget his devastating portrait of Mrs Thatcher and the fawning Saatchi brothers ? ) .
29 Pilate standing on , you imagine knowing that he has delivered up an innocent man , knowing that he 's delivered to death someone who is not guilty of death , knowing that he is the son of God , the King of the Jews , listen to what he says and th listen to what he 's watch , he 's seeing rather and the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around him and they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him , and after weaving a crown of thorns they put it on his head and reed in his right hand , and they kneeled down before him and mocked him saying , hail !
30 Pelham was a deeply conscientious constituency MP , and he has left probably the finest record of such duties of any seventeenth-century politician .
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